Is Ashwagandha Good For Diabetes?

Last updated on June 30th, 2023The world of Ayurveda, which consists of traditional plant-based Indian medicines, has been providing natural remedies for centuries. One such herb that has earned massive popularity in current times is Ashwagandha. Ashwagandha, or amukkuram, is said to be a miracle herb known for its numerous health benefits. It can help manage …

Does Diabetes Cause Hair Loss?

Last updated on May 8th, 2023Are you someone who’s struggling with diabetes and also noticing a lot of hair fall lately? Well, you’re not alone. Diabetes is a persistent condition that impacts millions worldwide, and it can cause a whole host of problems. One less prominent reason for heavy hair loss is diabetes, where average hair …

Diabetes & Raisins: Can Diabetics Eat Raisins?

Last updated on March 13th, 2023People with diabetes often puzzle about their food choices. In the year 2018, a medical journal published a report that stated that anywhere around 1.3 crores to 1.4 crore individuals turned diabetic that year due to improper food choices. Therefore, choosing healthy foods is important to prevent as well as manage …


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