Best CGM(Continuous Glucose Monitoring) Devices in India

Medically Reviewed By DR. PRIYANKA CHAKRAVARTY INDU, PhD, 15+ Years of Experience February 5, 2024

Last updated on September 23rd, 2023


Diabetes is a widespread chronic condition affecting millions worldwide, and India is no exception.There are over 77 million diabetics, as per the data of the National Institute of Health. India is often called the “Diabetes Capital of the World.” Managing diabetes effectively requires constant vigilance, as fluctuations in blood sugar levels can have serious health consequences. Traditional methods of monitoring blood glucose, such as fingerstick tests, offer only sporadic insights into one’s glycemic status. 

However, Continuous Glucose Monitoring devices have revolutionized diabetes management, providing real-time data that can help individuals make informed decisions about their diet, medication, and lifestyle. 

This comprehensive guide will delve into the world of continuous glucose monitoring, exploring its benefits, how it works, its availability in India, and much more.

What is Continuous Glucose Monitoring?

Continuous Glucose Monitoring, often abbreviated as CGM, is a revolutionary method for tracking blood glucose levels in real time. Unlike traditional glucose meters that require periodic finger stick tests, continuous glucose monitoring devices provide a continuous stream of data, typically updated every few minutes. According to the National Institute of Health, CGM devices help in figuring out blood sugar trends by tracking your readings every few minutes. This continuous monitoring allows individuals with diabetes to gain deeper insights into their glucose fluctuations, helping them make timely adjustments to their treatment plans.

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How Does Continuous Glucose Monitoring Work?

Continuous glucose monitoring devices consist of three main components: a small sensor inserted under the skin, a transmitter communicating with the sensor, and a receiver or smartphone app displaying the glucose data. The sensor measures glucose levels in the interstitial fluid (fluid surrounding cells) rather than in the blood itself. This data is sent wirelessly to the receiver, providing users with a comprehensive view of their glycemic trends.

According to the NIH, Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) is a technology that allows individuals with diabetes to track their blood glucose levels in real-time throughout the day and night. Here’s a step-by-step explanation of how CGM works:

Step 1: Sensor Placement

The process begins with the placement of a small, disposable sensor just beneath the user’s skin. This sensor contains a tiny electrode that measures glucose levels in the interstitial fluid that surrounds the body’s cells. The sensor is typically inserted into the upper arm’s abdominal area or the back.

Step 2: Sensor Calibration

After sensor placement, it’s essential to calibrate the CGM device according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Calibration involves taking a few fingerstick glucose measurements using a traditional blood glucose meter and entering these values into the CGM device. Calibration helps ensure the accuracy of the CGM readings.

Step 3: Glucose Measurement

Once the sensor is in place and calibrated, it begins to continuously measure glucose levels in the interstitial fluid. The sensor detects the glucose concentration in the fluid, and this information is transmitted to the CGM device.

Step 4: Data Transmission

The sensor is connected to a transmitter, which wirelessly communicates the glucose data to a receiver or a compatible smartphone app. Some CGM systems use Bluetooth technology for this purpose, enabling users to view their glucose data conveniently on their smartphones.

Step 5: Data Display and Alerts

The receiver or smartphone app displays the glucose data in real-time, typically in the form of a continuous glucose graph or chart. Users can see their current glucose level and track trends over several hours. CGM devices can also provide alerts and alarms for both high (hyperglycemia) and low (hypoglycemia) glucose levels. These alerts are crucial for prompt action to avoid severe blood sugar fluctuations.

Step 6: Data Analysis and Interpretation

Users, along with healthcare professionals, can analyze the CGM data to gain insights into their glucose patterns. They can identify trends related to meals, exercise, medication, and other factors affecting blood sugar. This analysis helps in making informed decisions about insulin dosing, dietary choices, and lifestyle modifications to maintain better glycemic control.

Step 7: Sensor Replacement

CGM sensors typically have a limited lifespan, usually lasting from 7 to 14 days, depending on the brand and model. After this period, the sensor needs to be replaced with a new one to continuously monitor glucose levels.

Step 8: Data Storage

Many CGM systems store historical glucose data, allowing users and healthcare professionals to review trends over an extended period. This historical data can be helpful in assessing the effectiveness of treatment plans and making necessary adjustments.

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The Benefits of Continuous Glucose Monitoring

The Benefits of Continuous Glucose Monitoring

Why Choose Continuous Glucose Monitoring Over Traditional Blood Glucose Monitoring?

  • Continuous Insights: Continuous glucose monitoring offers a more comprehensive view of blood sugar trends throughout the day and night, helping individuals detect patterns that may go unnoticed with traditional testing.
  • Hypo and Hyperglycemia Alerts: Continuous glucose monitoring devices can provide real-time alerts for dangerously low (hypoglycemia) and high (hyperglycemia) blood sugar levels, enabling prompt action.
  • Improved A1c Levels: CGM use has been associated with reduced A1c levels in clinical studies. Lower A1c levels are indicative of better long-term glucose control and are associated with a reduced risk of diabetes-related complications. Improved A1c levels contribute to a healthier, more fulfilling life for individuals with diabetes.

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Enhanced Quality of Life for Diabetics

Enhanced Quality of Life for Diabetics

Continuous glucose monitoring devices can significantly enhance the quality of life for people with diabetes by reducing the frequency of fingerstick tests, minimizing the risk of severe hypoglycemic events, and reducing the burden of diabetes management.

Adopting Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) devices has significantly enhanced the quality of life for individuals with diabetes. Here are some key ways in which CGM devices have made a positive impact:

  • Reduced Anxiety and Fear: CGM devices provide real-time information about blood sugar levels, allowing individuals to understand their glycemic patterns better. This knowledge reduces anxiety and fear associated with unpredictable blood sugar swings, especially during the night. Knowing that they will receive alerts for dangerous glucose levels provides a sense of security.
  • Fewer Finger Stick Tests: Traditional diabetes management often requires frequent fingerstick tests, which can be painful and inconvenient. CGM devices drastically reduce the need for fingersticks because they continuously monitor glucose levels. This reduction in painful pricks enhances comfort and reduces the physical toll of diabetes management.
  • Improved Treatment Adjustments: CGM data empowers individuals and healthcare professionals to make informed decisions about insulin therapy, meal planning, and lifestyle choices. This results in more precise adjustments, minimizing the risk of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. The ability to respond promptly to glucose trends enhances overall diabetes control.
  • Enhanced Sleep Quality: One of the most significant benefits of CGM devices is their ability to monitor blood sugar levels 24/7, including during sleep. This continuous monitoring ensures that individuals can sleep more soundly, knowing that they will receive alerts if their blood sugar levels become dangerously low or high.
  • Greater Flexibility: CGM devices offer greater flexibility in managing diabetes. Users can make on-the-spot decisions about insulin doses or dietary choices based on real-time data. This flexibility makes it easier to adapt to changing circumstances and maintain better glycemic control.
  • Enhanced Overall Well-Being: The peace of mind that comes with CGM use cannot be overstated. CGM users can focus more on living their lives rather than constantly worrying about their blood sugar levels. This leads to a better sense of overall well-being and less stress related to diabetes management.
  • Empowerment and Independence: CGM devices empower individuals with diabetes to take control of their health. They no longer need to rely solely on healthcare providers for glucose monitoring and insulin adjustments. This increased sense of independence can boost self-confidence and mental well-being.

In summary, Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) devices have revolutionized diabetes management by providing real-time glucose data, reducing the need for frequent fingersticks, and offering enhanced flexibility and peace of mind. This technology has not only improved glycemic control but has also contributed to a better quality of life for individuals with diabetes, allowing them to live more confidently and comfortably while effectively managing their condition.

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Continuous Glucose Monitoring Devices in India

Availability of Continuous Glucose Monitoring Devices in India

Continuous Glucose Monitoring devices have gained popularity in India over the past few years. Major international manufacturers, such as Dexcom, Abbott, and Medtronic, have made their continuous glucose monitoring products available in the Indian market. Some domestic companies have also entered the fray, offering cost-effective solutions for Indian diabetics.

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Best Continuous Glucose Monitoring Devices in India

Best Continuous Glucose Monitoring Devices in India

FreeStyle Libre by Abbott

FreeStyle Libre CGM device in India is one of the best-selling CGMs. The device is a one-time investment and can be used for life. This CGM device can test blood sugar, continuous glucose and ketones as well. There is a Freestyle Libre Reader app that captures the readings even through the clothes. However, the sensor distance should be between 1 cm to 4 cm. Moreover, the FreeStyle Libre sensor is easy to put on. It is placed behind your upper arm. It can last up to 14 days when used with the applicator. The FreeStyle Libre CGM set costs around Rs 10,489 on Amazon.

Dexcom G6

Dexcom G6 is another one of the best CGM device in India. The company has a reputation for providing pinpoint-accuracy readings. The Dexcom G6 sensor is placed on your abdomen region. The Dexcom app, which can be downloaded to your smartphone, gets the readings from the sensor. The readings are recorded every 5 minutes automatically. The Dexcom CGM has features that complement other devices you might be using for diabetes management, including insulin pumps. However, the only drawback is that this device requires frequent sensor replacement. The sensor has to be reapplied every 10 days. The Dexcom G6 in India costs Rs 5600.

Contour Glucometer

Contour Glucometer is another good CGM device that you can go for. The device is known for its accurate blood glucose readings. There are features like haematocrit adjustment, which ensures precision in the haematocrit range between 0% and 70%. The glucometer has a user-friendly algorithm that helps facilitate hassle-free usage. Contour Glucometer sells for around Rs 540 on Amazon

AccuSure Simple Blood Glucose Monitor

Accusure Simple Blood Glucose Monitor is another one of the best CGM device in India. This device has autocode capabilities, which lessens the chances of false readings and simplifies testing. Accusure claims to provide the result in just 7 seconds, being the fastest in the procedure. It comes with a ketone warning feature and can be reset according to pre and post-meals. It comes at a price of Rs 730 on the AccSure Website

OneTouch Select Plus

One Touch Select Plus CGM device is another good glucometer. The brand claims it was awarded as the no. 1 brand by diabetologists across India in 2023. The device is simple and easy to use. It is designed in such a way that it pains less when pricking. The OneTouch Select Plus CGM Device costs Rs 950 on Amazon.

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Other Popular Continuous Glucose Monitoring Brands in India

In recent years, several popular continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) brands have made their devices available in the Indian market. These brands have gained recognition for their accuracy, reliability, and user-friendly features. Here are some of the popular CGM brands available in India:

Medtronic Guardian Connect:

Medtronic’s Guardian Connect continuous glucose monitoring system is compatible with smartphones and offers continuous glucose data at your fingertips.


Eversens, a domestic brand, offers CGM solutions tailored to the Indian market. Their devices are designed to be affordable while providing accurate continuous glucose monitoring.


SugarBEAT is another CGM option available in India. It offers a non-invasive, wearable sensor that can measure glucose levels through the skin, eliminating the need for sensor insertion.


GlucoRx is known for offering cost-effective CGM solutions in India. Their devices are designed to be accessible to a broader range of individuals living with diabetes.

It’s important to note that the availability of specific Continuous Glucose Monitoring brands and models may vary by region within India. Additionally, advancements in CGM technology continue to drive innovation and improvements in accuracy and user experience. 

Therefore, individuals interested in CGM should consult with healthcare professionals to determine the best CGM option for their specific needs and preferences, keeping in mind factors such as cost, compatibility with existing devices, and personal comfort with sensor insertion and wear

Continuous Glucose Monitoring Devices in India: Cost and Accessibility

Are Continuous Glucose Monitoring Devices in India Affordable?

The cost of continuous glucose monitoring devices in India can vary depending on the brand and the features they offer. Generally, continuous glucose monitoring starter kits, which include the sensor, transmitter, and receiver, can range from INR 10,000 to 30,000 or more. However, ongoing operational costs, including the purchase of sensors that need replacement every 7 to 14 days, should also be considered.

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Insurance Coverage for continuous glucose monitoring Devices in India

While insurance coverage for continuous glucose monitoring devices is available in India, it may be limited. Individuals are advised to check with their insurance providers to determine if continuous glucose monitoring expenses are covered under their policies.

Government Initiatives and Subsidies

In some cases, government health initiatives may offer subsidies or financial aid for continuous glucose monitoring devices, especially for those with financial constraints. These programs vary by state, and individuals should inquire about local initiatives.

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Continuous Glucose Monitoring India 

Continuous Glucose Monitoring has gained significant traction in India, with increasing numbers of individuals embracing this transformative technology to manage diabetes effectively. 

According to recent statistics, the adoption of continuous glucose monitoring devices in India has surged by over 40% in the past two years, with more than 100,000 users nationwide. This rise can be attributed to a growing awareness of the benefits of CGM, such as improved glycemic control and reduced risk of severe hypoglycemic events. 

Additionally, the availability of a diverse range of CGM brands and models in the Indian market has made this technology accessible to a broader demographic, empowering countless individuals to take charge of their diabetes management with real-time glucose data.

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The Importance of Continuous Glucose Monitoring India

The Importance of Continuous Glucose Monitoring India

The importance of Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) cannot be overstated in the context of diabetes management. CGM devices provide a wealth of real-time information about blood glucose levels, and this data is invaluable for several reasons:

  • Enhanced Glycemic Control: CGM allows individuals with diabetes to closely monitor their blood sugar trends, enabling them to make timely adjustments to their treatment plans. This leads to better glycemic control, which is crucial for preventing both short-term complications (hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia) and long-term complications (such as cardiovascular disease, kidney problems, and neuropathy).
  • Immediate Detection of Trends: CGM devices provide continuous data, which means users can immediately detect trends in their glucose levels. This is especially vital for identifying patterns like the dawn phenomenon or the impact of meals and exercise on blood sugar. Armed with this knowledge, individuals can make informed choices about insulin dosing, meal planning, and physical activity.
  • Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia Alerts: CGM devices can issue alarms or alerts when blood sugar levels fall into dangerous ranges. This feature is a lifesaver for individuals at risk of severe hypoglycemia, ensuring that they can take prompt action to raise their blood sugar levels and prevent unconsciousness or seizures.
  • Reduction in A1c Levels: Clinical studies have consistently shown that the use of CGM devices can lead to significant reductions in A1c levels. Lower A1c levels are associated with a reduced risk of diabetes-related complications, highlighting the long-term benefits of CGM use.
  • Quality of Life Improvement: CGM technology reduces the need for frequent fingerstick tests, providing greater convenience and less pain for individuals with diabetes. It also reduces the anxiety associated with unpredictable blood sugar swings, leading to an improved overall quality of life.
  • Customized Diabetes Management: Healthcare professionals can tailor treatment plans to individual needs with CGM data. They can analyze the data to make precise insulin dosage recommendations and adjustments, ensuring that therapy is optimized for each patient’s unique requirements.
  • Peace of Mind: CGM provides peace of mind for both individuals with diabetes and their caregivers. Knowing that they have continuous, real-time information about blood sugar levels can reduce anxiety and fear, especially for parents of children with diabetes.

In summary, CGM is a game-changer in diabetes management. It empowers individuals to take proactive control of their health, minimize the risk of complications, and enjoy an improved quality of life. Its importance lies in the convenience of continuous monitoring and the life-saving potential it offers through the early detection of critical glucose trends and events. As technology continues to advance, CGM devices are likely to become even more accessible and accurate, further benefiting those living with diabetes.

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Continuous Glucose Monitoring has transformed the landscape of diabetes management in India. With its ability to provide real-time data, continuous glucose monitoring devices empower individuals with diabetes to take control of their health like never before. While affordability and accessibility are considerations, the benefits in terms of improved glucose control and enhanced quality of life make CGM a valuable tool for anyone living with diabetes in India. As technology continues to advance, we can anticipate even more innovative and accessible CGM solutions to emerge, further improving the lives of those managing this chronic condition.

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FAQs about CGM in India

How Can I Get Started with CGM in India?

To begin using a continuous glucose monitoring device in India, consult with a diabetes healthcare professional. They can guide you on device selection, provide training on sensor insertion, and help interpret CGM data to optimize your diabetes management.

Can CGM replace finger stick tests?

While CGM reduces the need for frequent fingerstick tests, it’s essential to perform occasional fingerstick tests for calibration and confirmation, especially before making treatment decisions.

How Accurate Are Continuous glucose monitoring Devices?

Continuous glucose monitoring devices are highly accurate, with most offering readings within 10-15% of actual blood glucose levels. However, it’s essential to calibrate the device as per the manufacturer’s recommendations to maintain accuracy.

Is CGM Painful?

The insertion of the CGM sensor is typically minimally painful, similar to the sensation of a fingerstick test.

 Who Can Benefit from Continuous Glucose Monitoring in India?

Continuous glucose monitoring is suitable for individuals with diabetes, regardless of their type (Type 1, Type 2, gestational diabetes). It is especially beneficial for those requiring tight glycemic control, having frequent hypoglycemic episodes, or wanting to better understand their glucose patterns.
Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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