Dr. Arjun Subash Kalasapur

16 Best Fruit Juices for Diabetic Patients: Sip Your Way to Health and Flavor!

Last updated on October 27th, 2023Diabetes patients in India breached the 100 million mark in 2023. Presently, there are more than 11 crore diabetics living in India, and Goa has the highest number of diabetics. People with diabetes often wonder if fruit juices are safe due to the rising prevalence of diabetes in India. While managing …

11 Health Benefits of Ragi | Is Ragi Good for Diabetes?

Last updated on October 1st, 2023Ragi is becoming a popular choice, replacing many bowls of cereal, due to Ragi’s health benefits. It is a nutrient-dense coarse cereal that helps to control sugar levels, reduce weight, and promotes bone, heart, skin, and hair health. In addition, it also provides several health benefits to the liver, digestive system, …


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