Last updated on November 22nd, 2021
This post is an extension to one of our previous articles about why one must promote exercise in their workplace. Here, we talk about how to do that. We discuss the different ways in which companies can introduce and nurture a fitness-oriented culture in their organization. While you already know this, let’s quickly walk you through the advantages of promoting fitness and exercise in your offices.

Benefits of promoting exercise in workplace
- Your productivity at work increases
- Exercising helps in combating professional and personal stress
- It helps in building up immunity to many illnesses
- Exercising improves your focus and creativity
As employees stand to benefit greatly from fitness, organizations are not immune to the positive effects of having a fitter, healthier workforce either. So, here’s how you can promote health, fitness and exercise at your workplace.
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Create fitness goals
This essentially means creating achievable fitness goals to foster healthy competition among employees. This would also result in healthy team bonding, quite literally. The idea is to introduce a sense of achievement and satisfaction when people reach their fitness goals, which would in turn motivate them to keep going further and becoming increasingly fitter with time.
Incentivize the fitness programs
Another important step to implement fitness and exercising regimen within an organization is to incentivize the programs. Awarding those who achieve their goals can help in motivating people to achieve their own personal goals. To create an impact, the organization can follow a top-down approach – the top and middle management should proactively participate in the fitness and exercising regimen. This will further motivate everyone to participate in the programs and achieve their goals, as well. That’s what we call leading by example.
Introduce Wellness initiatives
Make provisions for Yoga and meditation sessions, as frequently as possible across the organization. This will pave way for employees to be introduced to various techniques of mindfulness and meditation, which would help them feel more relaxed at work and outside of it.
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Make provisions for people to move
Ensure that the office has ample space for people to walk, conduct walking meetings, and so on. Also, it would help if people are encouraged to take stairs by making the stairways more attractive with quotes, artwork, etc.
What’s more?
In addition to the above, these are a few things that companies could do, to promote fitness among their people:
- Providing parking space for bicycles
- Making provisions for employees for showers
- Ensuring your team takes 2-5 minute break every day for stretching and breathing exercises
- Offering pedometers to employees
- Encouraging company-wide participation in local Marathons and other sports events
- Allowing for flexible work schedules so that people don’t skip workouts due to time constraints
Also read:- How to test sugar levels
Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal

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