Is Cheese Good For Weight Loss? What Does the Expert Say?

Cheese often gets a bad rap due to its fat and carb content, leading many to believe it’s only suitable for those aiming to bulk up at the gym. However, cheese offers numerous health benefits beyond just muscle gain. Contrary to the common belief, it is true that cheese is good for weight loss. In fact, some varieties can aid in weight loss when chosen wisely.

After all, who doesn’t love a pizza with melting, hot cheese? While cheese can indeed be a part of a weight loss journey, it’s essential to choose the right types in moderation. Let’s delve into the role of cheese for weight loss.

Nutritional Value of Cheese

According to the USDA, here is the nutritional breakdown of a 100-gram serving of bread cheese:

Nutritional Value of Cheese (100 grams)
Nutrients Amount
Water 21.1 g
Energy 408 kcal
Protein 10.4 g
Total lipid (fat) 20.8 g
Carbohydrates 44.8 g
Dietary fiber 2.1g
Sugars 2.08 g
Calcium 90 mg
Iron 2.49 mg
Magnesium 17 mg
Phosphorus 120 mg
Sodium 750 mg
Potassium 84 mg
Vitamin C 0 mg

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Understanding How Cheese Is Good For Weight Loss

Cheese and weight loss is a topic that can be argued upon for long due to multiple reasons. Due to high calories, sodium content and saturated fat, people may not consider cheese for weight loss. Truth is, many cheese varieties can help you lose weight. Picking a cheese that doesn’t have much of these contents can help people lose weight. Infact, cheese is a type of dairy product that’s rich in calcium and protein.

It is also backed by multiple studies that cheese is good for weight loss. A recent analysis featured in Nutrition Reviews about weight loss and cheese revealed that incorporating more dairy into a calorie-restricted diet led to increased weight loss. This could be attributed in part to the protein content in dairy. Research conducted by the National Institutes of Health indicated that a higher intake of protein might aid in maintaining muscle mass during weight loss while also enhancing the satiety of meals.

As per the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, when we get enough calcium, our bodies tend to burn fat more efficiently. Cheese, being high in protein, boosts metabolism and curbs appetite, which can aid in weight loss.

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Cheese That Is Good For Weight Loss

Cheese That Is Good For Weight Loss

As we’ve already mentioned, there are types of cheese one can eat to maintain or lose weight, and this is also backed by a study. According to research published in the British Journal of Nutrition, people who enjoy a high-protein cheese snack with moderate calories tend to eat less during their subsequent meals. Let’s have a look at the type of cheese that is good for weight loss.

Parmesan Cheese:

Parmesan cheese is super light, with just 22 calories and 1 gram of fat in a tablespoon (5 grams), as per USDA. It’s great for watching your weight, loaded with more calcium than any other cheese, and full of protein, which helps burn fat. Parmesan is a type of cheese that is good for weight loss if you’re sensitive to dairy. This is because it’s low in lactose, so you might still enjoy it!

Cheddar Cheese:

Cheddar cheese is good for weight loss and holds a special place in the hearts of cheese enthusiasts globally, often recognised for its starring role in beloved dishes like cheese-burst pizzas, cheesy burgers, or mouthwatering grilled cheese sandwiches.

Rich in protein, cheddar is a valuable option for vegetarians when paired with complementary sources. Additionally, it boasts abundant calcium content and essential fatty acids. As per the USDA, its nutritional profile extends to include vitamin A, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin B-12, vitamin K, and selenium.

Ricotta Cheese:

Talking of cheese and weight loss, Ricotta is a great option. It is a creamy white cheese made from cow’s milk, boasts low fat and calorie content while offering a notable protein punch. Made from whey protein subjected to acidification and heat, ricotta presents a soft texture and gentle taste, ideal for a variety of dishes, whether sweet or savoury.

Beyond its versatility, ricotta is a nutrient powerhouse linked to various health advantages. Its nutritional composition might aid in weight management, lower blood pressure, and promote bone health, making it a valuable addition to your diet.

Swiss Cheese:

Swiss cheese is another cheese good for weight loss. It stands out as one of the healthiest cheese options. It boasts lower levels of fat and sodium, making it a convenient addition to your nutritious eating plan. Swiss cheese is considered low-calorie, accounting for just 4% of a person’s daily calorie intake.

Cottage Cheese:

Another good cheese for weight loss is cottage cheese. Cottage cheese is made using cow’s milk. Incorporating cottage cheese into your diet adds a healthy dose of high-quality protein and is low in calories. To enjoy cottage cheese for weight loss, try blending it into smoothies or substituting it for sour cream in dips to enjoy with fresh veggies.

Feta Cheese:

Feta cheese is among low-fat cheese for weight loss. Feta cheese packs a punch of essential vitamins and minerals. Notably, it boasts conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a fatty acid linked to body fat reduction, as per experimental studies. Moreover, CLA is touted for its potential long-term benefits in improving body composition. What’s more, feta is a calcium powerhouse, contributing to maintaining strong teeth and bones.

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Selecting the Right Cheese for Weight Loss

Now that you’re familiar with the concept of weight loss and cheese and most common cheese types let’s discuss choosing the best cheese for weight loss. Follow these guidelines:

  • Opt for cheeses with minimal fat and calorie content. When selecting cheese in weight loss, prioritize options that are low in fat and calories while rich in protein.
  • Pick cheeses with reduced carbohydrate levels if you’re on a low-carb diet. Cheddar and Swiss cheeses are suitable for individuals following a low-carb cheese diet for weight loss.
  • Select cheeses with low sodium content. Since it’s crucial to moderate sodium intake, opt for low-sodium cheeses if you monitor your sodium consumption.

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Side Effects of Eating Too Much Cheese

Side Effects of Eating Too Much Cheese

Consuming cheese can lead to several side effects that may affect your body and health, mainly if not eaten in moderation. But what causes these effects, and what exactly happens to your body with excessive cheese consumption?

These consequences may arise due to factors such as the elevated fat levels in cheese, the hormonal makeup of dairy products, the possible inflammatory reaction to saturated fats, and the risk of bacterial contamination present in certain cheese types. Let’s understand the side effects of overconsumption of cheese:


Overindulging in cheese may contribute to constipation. With its high fat and low fiber content, cheese slows digestion, making it challenging for stool to move through the intestines. Consequently, this can lead to irregular bowel movements and difficulty passing waste.


Intake of casein, a protein abundant in milk and a key element of cheese, may result in diverse side effects and health concerns. Notably, inflammation emerges as a significant issue linked to casein consumption. For certain individuals, casein can prompt an immune reaction, leading to inflammation within the body.


Cheese, being high in fat, has the potential to induce heartburn, particularly in those prone to it. Excessive consumption of cheese can relax the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), a muscle responsible for preventing stomach acid reflux. Consequently, this relaxation can lead to a burning sensation in the chest and throat.


Individuals who have difficulty digesting dairy products or consume large amounts frequently are prone to feeling significantly bloated within 30 minutes to two hours.

According to the FDA, experiencing gas shortly after consuming dairy items such as cheese is a prevalent indicator of inadequate lactase, the enzyme responsible for breaking down lactose, or milk sugar, in dairy products.

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In conclusion, cheese can indeed be a friend in your weight loss journey, contrary to popular belief. While it’s true that cheese is high in fats and carbs, it also offers numerous benefits, particularly for those aiming to gain muscle mass. However, not all cheese varieties are created equal, and some can aid in weight loss when chosen wisely.

Parmesan, cheddar, ricotta, Swiss, cottage, and feta cheese are excellent options to consider. These cheeses are not only rich in protein but also provide essential nutrients like calcium, which can promote fat-burning and support bone health. Selecting cheeses with minimal fat, low carbohydrates, and reduced sodium can further enhance their weight loss benefits.

Nevertheless, consuming cheese in excess can lead to adverse effects such as constipation, inflammation, heartburn, and bloating. It’s crucial to enjoy cheese in moderation and be mindful of your body’s response to avoid these potential side effects.

By understanding the nutritional value and benefits of different cheese varieties, as well as being aware of their potential drawbacks, you can make informed choices to support your weight loss goals while still indulging in the delightful taste of cheese.

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FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions)

Can I eat one slice of cheese a day?

Yes, you can eat one slice of cheese a day as part of a balanced diet. However, be mindful of your overall calorie intake and choose low-fat varieties when possible.

Is there fat-free cheese?

Yes, there are fat-free cheese options available, but they may not always offer the same taste and texture as regular cheese.

Is cheese for weight gain or loss?

Cheese can support both weight gain and loss depending on the type and portion size. Opt for low-fat varieties and moderate consumption.

What cheese is lowest in fat?

Cottage cheese is among the lowest in fat, making it a suitable choice for weight loss.

Can I eat cheese during weight loss?

Yes, you can eat cheese during weight loss, but moderation is key. Choose low-fat options and monitor portion sizes to stay within your calorie goals.

Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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