Is Dal Good For Weight Loss? What Does the Expert Say?

Medically Reviewed By Dr. Guneet Chopra May 30, 2024

Dal, a staple in many Indian households, is renowned for its nutritional value and versatility. Comprising various types of lentils, peas, and beans, dal is packed with protein, fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals. But is dal good for weight loss? If yes, how effective is it? This article delves into the benefits of dal, identifies the best types for weight management, and provides healthy recipes to help you incorporate this nutritious food into your diet.

Is Dal Good For Weight Loss Or Not

Yes, dal is good for weight loss as it is rich in protein and fiber, which help increase satiety and reduce overall calorie intake. The high protein content in dal supports muscle maintenance and growth, which is essential for a healthy metabolism and effective fat burning. The fiber in dal aids digestion and helps regulate blood sugar levels, preventing cravings and overeating. Dal is also low in fat and calories, making it an excellent addition to a calorie-controlled diet. Moreover, it provides essential vitamins and minerals, contributing to overall health and well-being. Incorporating dal into meals can enhance nutritional balance and provide sustained energy, making it easier to stick to a weight loss plan.

How Dal Is Good For Weight Loss

High Protein Content:

Dal is good for weight loss as it is an excellent source of plant-based protein, which is essential for building and maintaining muscle mass. Protein is a vital macronutrient that plays a significant role in various bodily functions, including the repair and growth of tissues.

For those engaging in regular physical activity, the protein in dal helps to repair muscle tissues and promotes the development of lean muscle mass. Furthermore, protein has a high thermic effect, meaning the body burns more calories during its digestion and metabolism. According to Harvard Health, consuming high-protein can help prevent weight gain.

Rich in Dietary Fiber:

Fiber in dal aids digestion and promotes a feeling of fullness, which can help control appetite and prevent overeating. As per the National Institutes of Health, high intake of fiber is a predictor of weight loss. Dietary fiber adds bulk to the diet and helps in the smooth passage of food through the digestive system, preventing issues such as constipation and promoting regular bowel movements.

Moreover, fiber-rich foods like dal contribute to a prolonged feeling of fullness after meals, reducing the temptation to snack between meals or overeat during subsequent meals.

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Low in Fat:

Most types of dal are low in fat, especially unhealthy saturated and trans fats. A low-fat diet is essential for those looking to lose weight as it helps reduce overall calorie intake without compromising the intake of other vital nutrients. Dal provides the necessary proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals without the added burden of excess calories from fats. The minimal fat content in dal also means that it supports cardiovascular health by helping to maintain healthy cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Furthermore, the good fats present in dal, such as polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, support overall health by aiding in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and promoting brain health. As claimed by WebMD, eating lentils can help maintain a healthy weight or can help lose weight.

Low Glycemic Index:

Another factor that explains why is dal good for weight loss is it’s low glycemic index. According to the NIH, legumes are classified as low-glycemic foods. Dal has a low glycemic index, meaning it releases sugar slowly into the bloodstream.   This steady release of energy helps in maintaining stable blood sugar levels, which is crucial for managing hunger and reducing the likelihood of binge eatingThis helps maintain stable blood sugar levels, reducing cravings and the likelihood of binge eating.


Dal is rich in essential vitamins and minerals. Key nutrients found in dal include iron, which is vital for the production ohaemoglobinin and the transportation of oxygen in the blood; potassium, which helps regulate fluid balance, nerve signals, and muscle contractions; and B vitamins, which play a critical role in energy metabolism and the maintenance of a healthy nervous system.

These nutrients are essential for maintaining overall health and well-being, especially during weight loss, when the risk of nutrient deficiencies may increase.

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Which Dal Is Good For Weight Loss?

Which Dal Is Good For Weight Loss?

When trying to lose weight, people often ask, ‘which dal is good for weight loss?’. Here are a few examples of dal that are most suited for weight loss:

Moong Dal (Green Gram):

Moong dal is among the best dal for weight loss. Moong dal is highly nutritious and easy to digest. It is low in calories and high in protein and fiber, making it an excellent choice for weight loss.

Masoor Dal (Red Lentils):

Rich in essential nutrients and low in calories, masoor dal is another option among the best dal for weight loss. Its high fiber content aids in digestion and helps keep you full.

Toor Dal (Pigeon Peas):

Toor is another popular dal good for weight loss that people consume on a regular basis. Toor dal is rich in protein and dietary fiber, which contribute to its weight loss benefits. It is also packed with essential nutrients that support overall health.

Chana Dal (Bengal Gram):

Another dal good for weight loss is chana dal, which also provides immense energy. Chana dal is high in protein and fiber, making it a satiating option that can help control hunger. It is also versatile and can be used in a variety of recipes.

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How To Cook Dal For Weight Loss?

There is a variety of dal that can be cooked in different ways. Here are a few examples of how one can cook the most consumed weight loss dal:

Simple Moong Dal Soup:

Cook moong dal with turmeric, ginger, garlic, and a pinch of salt. Blend for a smooth texture and enjoy a light, nourishing soup.

Masoor Dal Salad:

You can consume a masoor dal salad for your dal diet for weight loss. Boil masoor dal and mix with chopped vegetables like cucumber, tomato, and bell peppers. Add a dressing of lemon juice, olive oil, and herbs for a refreshing salad.

Toor Dal Stew:

Prepare a hearty stew with toor dal, vegetables like carrots, spinach, and tomatoes, seasoned with cumin, coriander, and turmeric.

Chana Dal Stir-Fry:

Cook chana dal until tender and stir-fry with onions, garlic, and mixed vegetables. Add spices like cumin, mustard seeds, and curry leaves for flavor.

Dal and Quinoa Bowl:

Combine cooked dal with quinoa, steamed vegetables, and a light dressing of olive oil, lemon juice, and spices for a balanced, protein-rich meal.

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Dal is not only a delicious and versatile food but also a powerful ally in weight loss. Its high protein and fiber content, low fat, and rich nutrient profile make it an excellent choice for those looking to shed pounds healthily. The protein in dal aids in muscle maintenance and increases satiety, while its fiber content promotes digestion and prolongs the feeling of fullness, preventing overeating. Furthermore, dal’s low-fat composition helps keep calorie intake in check, and its low glycemic index stabilises blood sugar levels, reducing cravings and the risk of binge eating.

By choosing the right types of dal and preparing them in nutritious ways, you can enjoy flavorful meals that support your weight loss journey. Incorporating a variety of dals —such as lentils, split peas, and chickpeas—into your diet can provide a diverse array of nutrients and flavours, ensuring that your meals are both satisfying and nutritious. Opt for cooking methods that preserve the nutritional value of dal, such as steaming, boiling, or pressure cooking, and pair dal with other healthy ingredients like vegetables, herbs, and spices to enhance its health benefits and taste. Overall, it’s certain that dal helps in weight loss.

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FAQ’s(Frequently Asked Questions)

Which dal to eat for weight loss?

Moong dal is ideal for weight loss due to its high protein and fiber content, which promote satiety and aid digestion. It is also low in calories and easy to digest, making it a perfect choice for those looking to shed pounds healthily.

Which dal has the lowest calories?

Moong dal is one of the lowest-calorie dals, making it a great option for those on a calorie-restricted diet. Its nutritional profile supports weight loss by providing essential nutrients without adding excessive calories.

Which lentils are best for weight loss?

Lentils such as green, brown, and red lentils are excellent for weight loss. They are high in protein and fiber, low in fat, and have a low glycemic index, which helps in maintaining stable blood sugar levels and reducing hunger.

Which dal is highest in calories?

Chana dal (split chickpeas) tends to be higher in calories compared to other dals. Despite its higher calorie content, it is still a nutritious option rich in protein and fiber, but portion control is key when including it in a weight-loss diet.

Can I eat dal every day?

Yes, you can eat dal every day. It provides essential nutrients, including protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Incorporating different types of dals in your diet can ensure a variety of nutrients and help maintain overall health while supporting weight loss.

Can I eat rice and dal for weight loss?

Yes, you can eat rice and dal for weight loss, especially if you choose whole grains like brown rice. The combination offers a balanced meal with essential amino acids, protein, and fiber, promoting satiety and sustaining energy.

Is dal a fat or protein?

Dal is primarily a source of protein, though it also contains carbohydrates and minimal fat. It is particularly valued in vegetarian diets for its high protein content, which supports muscle maintenance and overall health.

Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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