Can your metabolism slow down?

Doing everything in your capacity but not shedding any weight? Well, slow metabolism could be playing the villain in your weight loss program. Metabolism is the process by which the body uses food as energy. So, people with a faster rate of metabolism can eat more and will be more unlikely to put on weight than those with a slow metabolism. Several factors can affect your metabolism, such as age, gender, body size and composition. Let’s know it more in detail.

Metabolism is the set of chemical reactions in your body that converts food into energy. It’s like your body’s engine, processing nutrients from your diet to fuel everything you do, from breathing to exercising. It consists of two main parts: anabolism, which builds up cells and stores energy, and catabolism, which breaks down molecules to release energy. A well-functioning metabolism is crucial for maintaining overall health and supporting your body’s functions. Aorccding to the Author Manuscript Medical Journal, body metabolism depends upon the following factors:

  • RMR(Resting metabolic rate): Calories burnt when the body is at rest or asleep. RMR is the least amount required to sustain bodily functions and keep you alive.
  • TEF(Thermic effect of food): Calories you burn in digestion and nutritional absorption of food. Generally, TEF accounts for 10% of daily calorie burning.
  • Physical Activity: Your daily physical activity determines the levels of metabolic activity in your body. Therefore, doing regular exercise helps enhance your metabolism.
  • NEAT(Non-exercise activity thermogenesis): In NEAT, you burn calories while doing regular household chores and commuting to the markets and office.

Signs of Slow Metabolism

A slow metabolism means your body takes its time converting food into energy, which can make burning calories a bit slower. This can make managing your weight trickier. Your body could be showing signs of having a slow metabolism. Some of them are listed below.

  • Perpetual fatigue – It is one of the most apparent signs of a slow metabolism. If you find yourself constantly tired, it is probably because your body is burning all the energy at a very slow pace.
  • Hair loss – A slow metabolism keeps the body from absorbing sufficient macronutrients from the food you consume. As a result, it can cause thinning of the hairline and impact the hair’s regenerative ability.
  • Facing difficulties losing weight – As discussed above, no matter how much you exercise and how you try to follow a healthy diet, it is difficult for you to lose weight. Losing weight is about how many calories you take and how many you burn. If exercising is not helping, maybe you could try to make changes in your diet.
  • Cellulite depositions – Cellulite on the hips and back of the thighs is just natural. But if you wake up to discover cellulite on the front of your thighs, it could mean that your metabolism is very unsupportive of your intentions to get thinner.
  • Sugar cravings: Slow metabolism can cause an imbalance in blood sugar levels, which in turn will signal your brain to consume instant energy, i.e. sugar. To worsen the problem, eating more sugar and refined carbs will only make it more difficult for your body to break them down.

Less Activity with Age

As you age, the level of physical activity generally declines in individuals. But you’ll be surprised to know that metabolism depends heavily on your physical activity. Physical activity is responsible for burning 15-30% of daily calories. In individuals who play sports or go to the gym, this can go up to 50%.

Then there is NEAT or non exercise activity thermogenesis. This includes the work to do in the household and the short walks you take to the grocery store or office. NEAT also burns some calories. Obviously, these activities decline, especially in older adults or adults with severe comorbidities.

One research study published by the CDC(Centers for Disease Control) shows that more than one-fourth of Americans over 50 don’t engage in any kind of physical activity outside of work. This trend inflates to one-third of Americans over 75.

Another study by NIH shows that older adults burn around 30% fewer calories through NEAT for apparent reasons.

So you see, the main cause of slowing metabolism is a drop in physical activity. To support this, a study conducted by the NIH clinically proves that engaging in physical activities prevents this slowing of metabolism in adults.

How much does Metabolism Slow Down with Age?

How much does Metabolism Slow Down with Age?

As we age, our metabolism tends to slow down, which can contribute to weight gain and other health issues. Here’s a detailed look at how and why this happens:

1. Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR)

As explained above, RMR measures the bare minimum energy your body needs to sustain basic bodily functions like breathing, circulation, and cell production at rest.

Decline with Age: BMR decreases with age. After the age of 20, BMR declines by about 1-2% per decade. By the time you reach 60-70 years old, your BMR could be 15-20% lower than in your younger years.

Studies done by Author Manuscript Journal show that the decline in metabolic rate is partly due to alteration in body composition. When there is loss of lean muscle mass and an rise in body fat this delays the body metabolism. Lean muscle mass is metabolically more active, meaning it burns more calories even at rest. Moreover, another study published by the US Govt’s NLM website found that total energy expenditure gradually declines from age 20 to 60 and then plateaus.

2. Muscle Mass

Sarcopenia: Age-related loss of muscle mass is termed sarcopenia. This process generally begins in the initial 30s and rapidly accelerates after the 50s. This happens because at as you age, the body starts burning muscle tissues more and not stored fat tissues. So if there is no physical activities then there is a greater loss in muscle mass that contributes to a slower metabolic rate.

Rate of Decline: Muscle mass decreases by about 3-8% per decade after age 30, and this rate can increase further after 60.

3. Hormonal Changes

Men: Testosterone levels decline with age, affecting muscle mass and fat distribution. Lower testosterone can contribute to decreased muscle mass and increased body fat, which in turn slows metabolism.

Women: Menopause brings a significant drop in estrogen levels. Low estrogen can contribute to rise in body fat percentage and eventually in decreased muscle mass. These changes contribute to a slower metabolism.

4. Physical Activity

Reduction with Age: Many people become less physically active as they age, contributing to muscle loss and a slower metabolism. Staying active is crucial to counteract this trend.

Steps to take to Prevent Slow Metabolism

Preventing a slow metabolism involves a few key lifestyle choices. Here are some steps you can take to keep your metabolism humming along nicely:

Stay Active

Regular exercise is crucial. Do a mix of cardio workouts and strength training. Building muscle helps boost your metabolism. Engage in gyming and muscle buidling acts.

Eat Enough

Skipping meals or drastically cutting calories can slow your metabolism down. Eat small but nutritionally balanced meals. Disturb your small meals throughout the day. Take 3 main meals and 2 snacks. This will keep your metabolism steady. Make sure to include protein, as it takes more energy to digest and can help build muscle.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking enough water is essential. Dehydration can slow down your metabolism, so aim to drink water regularly throughout the day. Sometimes, a glass of water before meals can even help you feel fuller and eat less.

Get Plenty of Sleep

Sleep deprivation plays a significant role in disturbing your metabolism. Go for at least 8 hours of undisturbed sleep at a stretch. Sleep at the same time every day.

Manage Stress

High stress levels can mess with your hormones and slow your metabolism. Practices like yoga, meditation, or even regular hobbies can help keep stress in check.

Eat Enough Protein

Incorporate more protein into your diet. Protein is a muscle-building nutrient that requires more energy than carbs or fats. It can give your metabolism a small boost and help maintain and build muscle mass.

Don’t Skip Breakfast

Kickstart your day with a healthy, nutrient-rich breakfast. This meal can give your metabolism a small headstart for the day. Foods like millet, eggs, or yogurt can be included.

Drink Green Tea or Coffee

These beverages can give your metabolism a temporary boost. Green tea has compounds that may increase fat burning, while coffee can enhance your energy levels and metabolic rate.

By sticking on these habits daily, you can improve your metabolic rhytm efficiently. If you have any underlying health ailments, it’s mandatory to discuss these with your trusted doctor.

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As we age, our metabolism naturally slows down due to muscle loss, hormonal changes, and decreased activity levels. However, by staying active, eating a balanced diet rich in protein, and engaging in regular strength training, we can help counteract these effects.

Adequate sleep and stress management also play important roles. While a slower metabolism is part of aging, making these healthy lifestyle choices can keep your metabolism more efficient and support overall well-being.Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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