Last updated on April 19th, 2022
A diabetic person might wonder whether oranges are safe for them or not. Diabetics must keep a check on their glucose levels, and diet affects them. Actually, diet, exercise, and medicines are helpful in controlling the levels of blood sugar. Read this blog to know “Are oranges good for diabetes?.”
Seasonal and fresh fruits constitute an essential part of a healthy meal. They contain high amounts of nutrients like antioxidants and vitamins. All of them are vital in performing several body functions. There’s a common misunderstanding that fruits of all kinds, including oranges are not good for diabetics, and you must not eat them.
Fruits containing high sugar content or GI, such as melons or chikoo, are not good for diabetics. While intake of fruits such as tomatoes or guavas is associated with reduced glucose levels. But can diabetic eat oranges as well? Read further to know it all. This article describes how oranges have an impact on diabetic health and answers the burning question: Is orange good for diabetics?

Nutritional Profile of Orange

Oranges are well-known citrus fruits. People often eat them as a snack or in fresh juices. As per USDA, one medium-sized orange of 154 grams consists of approximately:
- 72 calories
- 18.1 grams of carbs
- 14.4 grams of sugar
- 3.7 grams of fibre
- 1.45 grams of protein.
It is free of any sodium or fat. Also, oranges contain vitamins and minerals in amounts:
- 81.9 mg of vitamin C
- 279 mg of potassium
- 16.9 ug of vitamin A.
Diabetic patients must consume oranges as part of a healthy meal plan. To aid good blood glucose management, people must restrict their carb ingestion to half of their daily calories. But is orange good for diabetics? Keep reading to know the answer.
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Orange Fruit for Diabetes Patients
Orange and diabetes have a positive relationship. Therefore, the answer to the question, can diabetics eat oranges is definitely yes! Orange fruit is good for diabetes patients due to multiple reasons. Firstly, orange is a low GI food, having a GI score of just 43 as per ADA. Therefore, it won’t make your blood sugar rise much. Secondly, the fiber present in the orange good for diabetes as fiber helps delay the digestion rate. When digestion is delayed, abrupt blood sugar spikes don’t happen. Moreover, fiber for overweight diabetes patients helps in weight loss by keeping you fuller for longer. Thirdly, orange fruit for diabetes patients can help complete their daily vitamin C intake. Diabetes patients are required to consume vitamin C daily, according to the National Institute of Health, as it helps in controlling blood sugar.
However, do take care of the quantity you intake as there is a presence of natural sugar(carbs) in orange fruit. Reckless eating may result in a rise in blood sugar levels.
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Benefits of Oranges For Diabetic Patients

Diabetic patient can eat orange due to the reasons listed above. Oranges are full of nutritional properties owing to their fibre, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. When people eat them in moderation, there are many benefits of orange for diabetes patients. Some of these are:
Low glycemic index
Oranges have a low GI score of just 43, as per the MedicalNewsToday website. This fruit, therefore, causes a more gradual rise in a person’s blood glucose levels. And, this makes oranges for sugar patients more beneficial. Still, GI must not be the only factor a person should consider while managing their blood sugars. A person’s body’s blood glucose response also is based on combining it with healthy fats or proteins.
Orange fruit has dietary fiber that goes into the gut in the raw form. It offers a number of health benefits, such as disease management and prevention. Particularly, fibre-rich food products are seen to enhance blood glucose control. One medium-sized orange packs about 4 grams of fibre.
As per Frontier medical journal, in type 2 diabetics, fiber reduces the levels of HbA1C and fasting blood glucose. That’s the main reason why doctors advised against the usage of orange juice for diabetic patients. When the orange fruit is consumed as diabetic orange juice, it loses the majority of its fiber content. With orange losing its fiber the sugar level in orange will adversely impact your blood sugar. Orange juice and diabetes have not so relationship. Therefore, orange juice is not that good for diabetes patients and is to be avoided.
The National Institute of Health says fiber delays the increase in glucose levels following a meal. It does so by delaying the stomach emptying and reducing the travel time of the food through the gut.
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Vitamins and Minerals
Oranges comprise several vitamins and minerals that are especially favourable for diabetics. One medium-sized orange contains around 91% of the DV for vitamin C. This vitamin works as an antioxidant i.e., fights oxidative stress in a person’s body.
Particularly, Frontier Medical Journal says high blood glucose levels induce oxidative stress. This might result in cellular damage and disorders. The diabetic patient might have a high requirement of vitamin C to reverse oxidative stress.
One medium-sized orange provides around 12% of the DV for folate. Folate is very beneficial for overweight diabetic pateints, as per the National Institue of Health. This mineral is found to reduce insulin levels and improve the following:
- blood glucose control
- insulin resistance
- signs of diabetes-induced eye problems.
To conclude, oranges comprise 6% of the DV for potassium. Low levels of potassium might cause insulin resistance.
Flavonoid antioxidants are very beneficial for diabetic people, as per The National Institute of Health. The roles of these flavonoids include fighting:
- oxidative stress
- inflammation
- insulin resistance
Thus, they help in enhancing insulin sensitivity. Remarkably, orange is one of the most readily available sources of flavonoid antioxidants.
Additionally, blood oranges pack anthocyanins. It is a subclass of flavonoids commonly available as red, purple, or blue fruits and veggies. Studies propose that these compounds are helpful in combating cardiac problems, oxidative stress, and inflammation.
Oranges pack numerous benefits for diabetics. This is because of their low GI and nutrient profile. This includes vitamin C, fiber, antioxidants, folate, and potassium.
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Why are Oranges a Good Addition to a Diabetic Diet
The ADA has enumerated citrus fruits, including oranges, among “Diabetes superfoods”. As per the ADA, citrus fruits like orange for diabetic patients are completely packed with fibre, vitamin C, folate and potassium. This gives a beneficial addition to a diabetic-friendly meal plan.
Oranges pack vital fibres. It takes a long time for fibre to break down and digest. This allows the slow release of glucose into the blood. This would further guarantee stability in the sugar levels for a longer duration. Furthermore, the GI of raw oranges is in the range of 40 to 43. People with diabetes are advised to add more low GI foods to their meals.
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Other Products of Orange and Diabetes
In spite of everything, a person must limit one’s consumption of the following orange products if he or she has diabetes.
Canned mandarin oranges
The ADA suggests against the usage of canned oranges for sugar patients. Canned orange for diabetic patients contain preservatives and extra added sugar. A person must also look for phrases on the can like “no added sugars” or “unsweetened”.
Orange juice
There is no doubt that orange juice for diabetic patients offers vital vitamins and minerals. However, it lacks fibre and, therefore, is not good for diabetics. In addition, orange juice has a higher GI value than orange fruit. This might enhance the risk of high blood glucose levels or hyperglycemia. Hence, diabetic patients must restrict their consumption. However, if a person’s blood sugars fall too low (a condition called hypoglycemia), a 120 mL serving of orange juice may help it restore. Only in hypoglycemia, orange juice good for diabetics.
A diabetic person must struggle to consume a range of whole fruits, like oranges. Fruit plays a key role in maintaining the health of a person. Whole oranges offer a wide range of vital nutrients required for blood glucose control. And they must be anyone’s first choice over 100% fruit juice.
A diabetic patient must limit his or her intake of orange juice. And they can purchase canned oranges packed in juice. On the whole, whole oranges are an improved choice owing to their fiber content.
Read More: Top 6 Dry Fruits For Diabetics.
How Many Oranges Can a Person Eat?
If a diabetic intends to maintain their blood sugar within the normal limit, they must limit their carb consumption to 45% of the total calories as per the MedicalNewsToday website. Due to different body sizes and physical activity levels, there’s no magic number of oranges a person can eat. Still, a person may safely consume numerous servings of oranges daily. Remember that one serving of carbs is around 15 grams.
One serving of orange products is:
- a medium-sized orange
- half a cup of canned mandarin oranges
The number of carbs needed at each meal and snack varies by body size and activity level. You should plan to eat around the same number of carbs at meals and snacks to keep your blood sugar levels steady.
For a meal plan that meets your individual needs, consult a registered dietitian (RD) or certified diabetes educator.
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Risks of Over-intake of Oranges For Diabetics
Owing to their fiber, consuming too many oranges may cause indigestion. Also, it may result in abdominal cramps and prompt diarrhea. It is a must to adhere to one portion daily.
If a person is diabetic, consuming a range of fruits like oranges maintains overall health. Whole orange for diabetic patients might keep the glucose levels stable. This is particularly true because of their low GI, fibre content, and other nutrients. The antioxidant and vitamin content of oranges may combat cardiac problems, inflammation, and oxidative stress due to high blood pressure. On the whole, it’s good to have whole oranges as compared to orange juice. If anyone requires any help adding oranges to one’s diet, it is better to discuss with a dietician or an expert diabetes educator.
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FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions)
No consumption of oranges in limited amounts does not increase sugar levels. You daily can consume one small fruit including it in your diet plan.
Diabetics should avoid eating oranges at night. This is because oranges contain carbohydrates and natural sugar, which can spike blood sugar overnight. When consumed during the day, oranges combine with various fiber sources in the meals and impact blood sugar less.
One whole orange, small to medium-sized, is okay for diabetic patients to consume on most days. According to the Medical News Today website, a fruit of that size will have about 15 grams of carbs.
Diabetes patients should avoid consuming more than 1 orange generally. Therefore, regular consumption of 2 oranges daily is not advisable. A small fruit is okay for consumption, as consuming more oranges can lead to a glucose spike.
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