16 Health Benefits of Turmeric or Haldi 

Reviewed By Dietitian Dt. SEEMA GOEL (Senior Dietitian, 25 Years of Experience) February 14, 2024

Last updated on July 27th, 2022

In India, turmeric is one of the most widely used spices. Its scientific name is Curcuma Longa which comes from the Ginger family.

People have been using Haldi for both edible and medicinal purposes for centuries

Its medicinal uses in Ayurveda are notable for treating multiple health conditions. Haldi or turmeric has multiple health benefits because of the Curcumin, a compound found in it.

Haldi, or turmeric root, is popular for its coloring and aromatic properties. It gives a yellow color to the food and has a strong black pepper kind of bitter taste. Turmeric powder is a popular spice in the kitchen.

Curcumin in turmeric has strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It is the main compound that gives it medicinal properties.

Nutritional Value of Turmeric or Haldi

This table represents several nutrients and their amounts present in 100 g of Haldi or Turmeric as per the latest data from the United States Department of Agriculture:

Nutritional Value of Haldi
Nutrients (in 100 grams of Haldi) Its amount
Protein 9.68gm
Fat 3.25 grams
Carbs 67.14 grams
Calories 312 kcal
Sugar 3.21gm
Fiber 22.7gm
Calcium 168 mg
Iron 55 mg
Magnesium 208 mg
Phosphorus 299 mg
Potassium 2080 mg
Zinc 4.5 mg
Copper 1.3 mg
Vitamin E 4.43 mg

In addition, 1tbsp Haldi provides

  • 26 percent of daily manganese needs
  • 16 percent of daily iron
  • 5 percent of daily potassium
  • 3 percent of daily vitamin C

There are many other nutrients like Vitamin C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, Folate, Tryptophan, Leucine, Lysine, etc. are also found in Haldi.

Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load

According to the Glycemic Index Guide Website, the glycemic index of turmeric is in the higher range. The same goes for its glycemic load as well. The glycemic profile of turmeric is high. This means turmeric consumption in significant amounts can heighten your blood sugar. However, turmeric, being a spice, is only used in tiny amounts, which is fine.

Health Benefits of Turmeric or Haldi

Health Benefits of Turmeric


People use Haldi for pain, skin treatment, skin remedies, and swelling in every Indian household. These medicinal benefits of turmeric were received from our elders. These benefits are mentioned in Ayurveda and traditional treatment techniques. Turmeric’s health benefits are:


Curcumin in turmeric is responsible for its anti-inflammatory qualities. Moreover, studies published by the NIH show how curcumin is effective in suppressing inflammation. It inhibits or blocks lipoxygenase (LOX), inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and acts as an inflammation inhibitor. Haldi is used to treat or ease inflammation caused by arthritis, muscle sprain, cramps, wounds, and other muscular pains because of these qualities. It gives relief to inflammation.

Helps in Pain Relief

Haldi is also considered a pain reliever as it eases pain by using it locally. According to the National Institute of Health Website, turmeric is considered the golden spice. This is because it is actively used in treating swellings, sprains, injuries, etc. Multiple ways of using it include as a pain reliever like patches, bandages, and having it orally.


According to the publications in the National Library of Medicine, turmeric has clinically proven its antiseptic properties. Turmeric is also used in many antiseptic and antibacterial ointments. It is applied to wounds, boils, insect bites, rashes, and bruises.


According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, haldi is a powerful antioxidant that helps to reduce the risk of a variety of health conditions. The conditions include cancer and various heart disorders.

Helps in Diabetes

Haldi has high GI but low sugar. Despite having high GI it helps with diabetes. This is because haldi is used in very tiny amounts. According to studies published on the National Institute of Health Website, turmeric’s curcumin substance inhibits the inflammatory cytokines that maintain blood glucose levels. It also helps enhance insulin sensitivity and delay type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, it reduces triglyceride levels.

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Good for Heart Health

Curcumin, an antioxidant of turmeric, prevents cardiovascular and heart conditions. According to research papers published on the NIH website, turmeric effectively reduces the risk of heart disorders. Along with this, it also brings down the risk of strokes and atherosclerosis. It also helps in dropping down the cholesterol levels.

Good for Skin & Anti Aging

Turmeric is a blood purifier that is good for the skin. It also helps with acne, pimples, dark circles, itching, allergies, eczema, scars, or other skin conditions. According to the NIH studies conducted on animals, turmeric consumption showed improved epithelial cell survival. It also starts recovery in irradiated skin cells. Turmeric’s purifying effect gives a glow to the skin. Curcumin helps in increasing the growth of new cells and mitigates the effect of cell damage. It helps with wrinkles and fine lines as well.

Reduced Risk of Cancer

Curcumin reduces the growth of cancerous cells and stops them from spreading. According to the U.K.’s Cancer Research Institute, turmeric has compounds that kill cancer cells. Thus helping lower the risk of cancer.

Helps in Depression

Turmeric also benefits people with depression. The substance Curcumin increases dopamine and serotonin, neurotransmitters responsible for good mood and happiness. It also helps reduce symptoms by BDNF levels (brain-derived neurotrophic factors levels).

Good for Digestion

It’s also good for digestion. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties help the digestive system. It helps in bloating, gut permeability, and gut inflammation. It improves digestion as well.

Good for the Liver

Its antioxidant properties that protect the liver from toxin-like potent drugs of many diseases. It also reduces fat accumulation in the liver.

Boosts Immunity

Turmeric is known for its antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal qualities. According to the National Institute of Health, turmeric helps in bile juice production. It is effective in the treatment of fatty liver. This helps to minimize the chances of infections, thus boosting immunity.

Helps in Fever and Common Cold

Taking a teaspoon of turmeric powder with milk helps with fever and the common cold. According to the PubMed Central website, curcumin in turmeric is also an effective anti-viral agent. It reduces running nose, congestion, and the common cold.

Good for Bones

Turmeric’s health benefits include the relief of joint pains. According to NIH studies, turmeric is said to be good for arthritis and joint pain. The compound curcumin helps protect bone tissues and strengthens them.

Boosts Brain Health & Helps in Alzheimer’s

Turmeric induces the secretion of BDNF, a brain hormone that reduces degeneration in the brain and improves neuron functioning. In addition, it also helps in preventing Alzheimer’s disease by clearing amyloid plaques responsible for the condition.

Prevents Cataracts & Glaucoma

Turmeric helps prevent vision loss. Antioxidants are good for the eyes, and Haldi helps prevent cataracts and glaucoma because of this property.

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How to Consume Turmeric

How to Consume Turmeric


For daily benefits, 5 tsp of turmeric is advisable to consume. One can fulfil this daily requirement in many ways:

  • It can be used as a key spice in many dishes to add taste and color to them.
  • Golden Milk or Haldi Doodh is one of the best ways to meet your daily turmeric needs. It has multiple health benefits.
  • Turmeric is not easy to absorb in the body, so to increase its absorption effect, take it with black pepper, which has a substance called piperine. It enhances its absorption.
  • It is also available as a supplement as capsules, extracts, and liquids.

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Side-Effects of Turmeric

Consuming turmeric in an adequate quantity has many health benefits, but its overdose can cause multiple side effects. They can be:

  • Its overconsumption can cause many gastric issues like acid reflux and diarrhea. It can also increase GERD stomach issues.
  • It can cause headaches, nausea, or dizziness.
  • Haldi can lower blood sugar too much in diabetic people.
  • Overconsumption of turmeric can slow blood clotting and can be fatal to people with bleeding disorders.

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Can Diabetics Eat Turmeric?

Turmeric is safe for diabetic people as it has zero GI and low sugar content. The active compound curcumin, found in turmeric, is said to be very effective in lowering blood sugar levels and reducing insulin resistance in the blood. It mitigates diabetes complications by strengthening beta cell functioning. It also reduces the level of triglycerides and cholesterol levels.

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Turmeric or Haldi has been used in the traditional Indian medicine system for centuries. It is one of the key components in Ayurveda that cures and prevents multiple ailments. It is native to Southeast Asia and is extensively mentioned in Indian and Chinese medical practices.

It has volatile oils like turmerone, Atlante, zingiberene, dimethoxy curcumin, and bisdemethoxycurcumin that give it medicinal properties.

It is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antioxidant, antiviral, and antiseptic that aids in numerous health problems. Haldi is also used in many home remedies for skin health. Haldi is an important part of Indian weddings as well, giving the bride or groom a perfect glow and beauty as Ubtan or turmeric paste.

Golden Milk or Haldi Doodh is a one-stop solution in each household for many conditions of skin, pain, cold, and fever. It can be called Magical Spice.

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Who should avoid turmeric consumption?

Although an adequate quantity of turmeric is not harmful to anyone still its qualities can trigger a few health conditions. People with conditions like GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), bleeding disorders, pregnancy, gall bladder conditions, liver problems, presurgery state, or infertility should avoid consumption of turmeric or Haldi.

Can we take turmeric every day?

Overconsumption of turmeric may impact your health negatively and can cause side effects like acid reflux, headache, dizziness, low blood sugar, stomach problems, diarrhea, etc. As per World Health Organization, you can consume 0-3mg turmeric per kilogram depending on your body weight. Over the advised quantity can be harmful.

Is turmeric good for diabetes?

Low GI, low sugar content, and presence of antiinflammatory compound curcumin make it safe for diabetic people. The presence of curcumin reduces insulin resistance, triglycerides levels, cholesterol, and eventually blood sugar levels. Turmeric also impacts beta cells positively which helps diabetic people. Although it is advised to take after consultation with a doctor as it also can lower the blood sugar too much when taken with antidiabetic medicines.

How much turmeric can benefit a diabetic?

Turmeric is good for diabetic people because of the presence of curcumin, an anti-inflammatory compound. It is said to improve cholesterol levels and insulin sensitivity which eventually helps blood sugar control. Ideally, 1000-2000 mg of turmeric can be beneficial depending upon the person and needs.

Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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