Tips for Using Glucometer When Travelling

Last updated on June 5th, 2024

Tips for Using Glucometer When Travelling

Traveling with diabetes can turn out to be sour if you go unplanned. However, this doesn’t mean you cannot travel with diabetes. With a few preps, you will be ready to go anywhere, from adventure treks to lazy getaways. You can have it all. Carrying your glucometer is a must when traveling.

However, this small device that keeps a continuous watch on your sugar levels has certain limitations. Therefore, you need to make some arrangements regarding a glucometer when you plan to travel. Below are some tips regarding when you travel with a glucometer. Let’s begin!

Tip 1: Choosing the Right Kind of Glucometer

With the advancements in medical sciences, there are now many medical equipment options, such as glucometers. However, when you are traveling, you should prioritize your needs to make them easy to handle. The first is that the glucometer should be compact. With restrictions on your baggage weight, your glucometer shouldn’t take more space and weight than it ideally should. Choose a lightweight and compact glucometer so that it may fit in your pouch/handbag or purse.

Moreover, along with its compact size, the glucometer should have a decent memory size. This is because traveling can accompany long drives and commutes. Therefore, a glucometer with considerable memory size will track your previous readings and help you manage diabetes better.

Another important aspect is the battery life. A glucometer with a long battery life will help you track your blood sugar easily. Choose glucometers that use normal cells and batteries so that even if the battery gets dead, you may be able to reactivate it.

Read More: Random Glucose Testing, Normal Range & Importance

Tip 2: Packing the Glucometer Kit

Packing your complete glucometer kit will ensure a smooth track of glucose levels, providing you with everything you need. The kit should carry the following with you:

  • Protective carrying case
  • Extra test strips
  • Extra lancets
  • Extra batteries
  • A hard pencil case is needed to make sharp containers for used needles and lancets.

The American Diabetes Association(ADA) also recommends using plastic bottles in case you don’t have sharp containers. This will help you recycle this medical waste in specified areas. Also, keep the kit away from sunlight and direct heat.

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Tip 3: Glucometer Around Security Checks in Stations and Airports

Diabetes patients may find it hard to pass through security checking points if they go unprepared. But worry not; we are here to make your security check passage seamless.

First, talk with security personnel, explain your condition, and inform them that you are carrying medical devices for your well-being. The prior intimation will definitely make your security screening smooth.

Keep your glucometer kit and medicines in the front pouch or compartment in your baggage. This will help you position and present them to the security personnel for inspection.

Moreover, according to the American Diabetes Association(ADA), diabetes-related equipment, including glucometers and insulin, is permitted through security points after inspection. However, some glucometers may have a problem going through X-ray machines, so that they would require hand inspection. In most cases, security personnel are trained to handle such requests.

Read More: Ayurvedic Medicine and Diabetes 

Tip 4: Fix the Testing Schedule Even When Traveling

When traveling, blood sugar levels may witness unusual fluctuations than normal. This is due to changes in food patterns, irregular sleep schedules, changes in exercise schedules, stress, etc. Therefore, make sure you do your tests on time at fixed intervals of the day.

Make sure to test before meals, at bedtime and as instructed by the doctor. If you are on insulin, plan your insulin intake in advance. Plus, if you find your blood sugar is branching levels more than usual, immediately get in touch with your diabetologist.

Another piece of advice we would like to give is that you increase the glucometer test frequency initially as you travel to a place. The precautionary step will help you examine how your body is adapting to the new place, travel schedule and time zone.

Another thing to keep in mind is keeping yourself adequately hydrated. Dehydration can invite higher sugar levels. Always carry sufficient water when traveling.

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Tip 5: Keep in Mind the Time Zone Change

When traveling abroad, changing time zones can hinder your medication and testing schedule. To eliminate this, you need to discuss your traveling plan with your diabetologist well in advance. They will help you devise appropriate testing and medicine schedules according to the destination you are traveling to.

Moreover, adjusting to new time zones can be challenging. Therefore, we advise you to set proper alarms for testing and your medicines. This proactive step will definitely help you adapt quicker to the new time zone without disturbing your tests and medicines.

Read More: Best CGM(Continuous Glucose Monitoring) Devices in India


The above 5 tips will undoubtedly help you plan your travel better and adapt your medicine and testing schedule according to the new time zone. Plus, reading this blog, you will know that diabetes patients should do meticulous planning before making a travel schedule. They should always consult and discuss with their diabetologist. Or you can join us. Breathe Well-being has an experienced team of doctors, coaches, and nutritionists who are just a click away. Our live chat and call features help our users be in constant touch with their coaches and doctors.

FAQ’s(Frequently Asked Questions)

Can you travel with a glucose monitor?

Yes, you can easily travel with glucose monitors in airports and stations. These medical devices are allowed to be carried by passengers worldwide. Carry the prescriptions and related documents, if any, and you are good to go.

Can I carry glucometer in cabin baggage?

Yes, you should always carry the glucometer with your handbag or backpack and not in your check-in baggage. Putting the glucometer in the check-in baggage increases the risk of damage. This is because the staff handles the check-in baggage roughly and even flings it from one place to another.

How do you travel with a glucometer?

When traveling with a glucometer, put it in your handbag or backpack and always declare to the security personnel that you are carrying it. All diabetes-related equipment, including glucometer, is allowed at security checks worldwide.

Can you drink water before a glucometer test?

Yes, when doing a fasting blood test with a glucometer, you should only drink water for 8-8 hours. When doing a post-prandial glucometer test, you can eat anything. However, staying hydrating is important in diabetes, so always carry water with you when going outside.

Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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