Is Curd Good For Diabetes Patients?

Reviewed By Dietitian Dt. SEEMA GOEL (Senior Dietitian) November 3, 2023

Last updated on July 30th, 2024

The relationship between diet and diabetes management has been the subject of extensive research and discussion. Among the various food items, curd, a dairy product with a rich nutritional profile, has gained attention for its potential benefits for diabetes patients. As diabetes continues to be a global health concern, understanding the effects of the consumption of curd on diabetes patients and on their blood sugar levels becomes crucial. 

This blog delves into the discussion of the question, Is curd good for type 2 diabetes patients? We explore the nutritional composition of curd, its potential impacts on diabetes, the benefits of curd for diabetes patients, tasty diabetic-friendly curd recipes and much more.

What Is Curd?

Curd goes by the popular name of yogurt, especially in the West. It is a dairy product made from milk. Curd gets prepared when the milk is fermented with bacteria. This fermentation thickens the milk, giving it a creamy texture and tangy flavor. It’s a popular ingredient in cooking and can also be consumed on its own or as a base for various dishes and beverages.

Today, yogurt is enjoyed worldwide in various forms and flavors. Overall, yogurt is a versatile and nutritious food that can be enjoyed as a snack, in smoothies, as a base for sauces, or incorporated into various recipes.

Nutritionally, yogurt is known for its probiotic content, which can promote gut health by contributing to a balanced gut microbiome. Probiotics are beneficial live bacteria that can support digestion and boost the immune system [1]. Curd for diabetes patients can be a great add-on to a diabetes-friendly diet due to its nutrient profile and decent glycemic profile. But is it safe to consume curd for diabetes patients? Keep reading to find the answer.

Nutritional Value of Curd

Curd Nutritional Value

Curd is a nutrient-rich food source and contains important nutrients like proteins, carbs, vitamins, etc. Let’s have a look at the nutrition chart of 100 grams of dry curd:

Nutrients in 100 grams  Amount
Energy 72 kcal
Water 81%
Carbohydrates 6.66 g
Protein 10.3 g
Fat 0.29 g
Fiber 0 g
Calcium 86 mg
Iron 0.15 mg

Glycemic Index of Curd

Glycemic Index of Curd

The glycemic index of curd is just 45, which categorises it as a low GI food. Curd GI is low, but it has a medium range of glycemic load of 10.3. The glycemic profile of curd suggests its consumption for diabetes patients is fine in prescribed amounts. But it is not only the glycemic profile that determines a food’s consumption for diabetes. Keep reading to know it all.

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Is Curd Good for Sugar Patients?

Curd can be beneficial for people with diabetes due to its nutritional composition. Curd in diabetes diets can be a good source of protein, calcium, and probiotics, which can contribute to overall health [2]. Some studies suggest that consuming curd in diabetes may give you positive effects on blood sugar control and insulin sensitivity [3]. However, more research is needed in this regard, but the initial findings are encouraging.

The probiotics in curd for diabetes patients may enhance insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation, which can be beneficial for managing diabetes [4]. However, to answer, ‘Is curd good for diabetes patients?’ is not that simple.

For diabetes patients consuming dairy products like milk, curd, etc, poses another problem. Milk products, including curd for diabetes patients, have IGF (Insulin-like growth factor) molecules. These molecules hamper the functioning of insulin by behaving like them but not at all functioning like them. Thereby increasing blood sugar.So diabetes patients looking to keep their sugar levels in control or reverse diabetes should avoid curd [5]

However, diabetics with controlled sugar levels and HbA1c or those who have cleared GTT (Glucose tolerance test) can consume curd in prescribed or measured amounts. But remember diabetics need to choose plain, unsweetened curd. And monitor their portion sizes to avoid excessive carbohydrate intake.

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Benefits of Curd for Diabetes Patients

Benefits of Curd for Diabetes Patients

Curd for diabetes patients can offer several benefits due to its nutritional composition. Here are some benefits of curd:

1. Protein Source

Curd for diabetes patients is a good source of protein. Curd in diabetes diets can help stabilize sugar levels by bringing down the rate of digestion and absorption of carbs. This results in incoming rapid spikes in blood sugar after meals [6].

2. Low Glycemic Index

The glycemic index of curd is low, which means it has a minimal impact on blood sugar levels. Foods with a low G.I. are preferred for diabetes management as they cause a slower and less rapid rise in blood sugar[7].

3. Probiotics

Curd for diabetes patients is beneficial due to the presence of probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that support gut health. A healthy gut can improve insulin sensitivity and overall metabolic function, which is crucial for diabetes management[4].

4. Calcium and Vitamin D

Curd for diabetes patients is a good food source of nutrients like calcium, and vitamin D. Calcium is essential for bone health, and vitamin D aids in calcium absorption. Diabetes patients are in a heightened position to get bone-related issues so that curd can contribute to their bone health.

5. Satiety

According to a study published in Oxford Academic, the protein and fat content in curd for diabetes patients can promote a feeling of fullness, which may help prevent overeating and better control appetite. This can help manage weight, which is important for diabetes management.

6. Nutrient Balance

When you include curd in diabetes diets, you get a mix of nutrients like protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Consuming curd as part of a balanced meal can help maintain a steady release of glucose into the bloodstream.

7. B Vitamins

Curd for diabetes patients contains B vitamins such as B12, riboflavin, and pantothenic acid. These vitamins help your body in its energy metabolism and nerve function, which can be particularly important for individuals with diabetes.

8. Digestive Health

Probiotics in curd for diabetes patients can improve digestion and help maintain healthy gut flora. This can indirectly impact blood sugar control and overall well-being.

9. Blood Pressure Regulation

Some studies suggest that regular consumption of curd may contribute to the reduction of blood pressure (B.P.). Maintaining stable blood pressure levels is necessary for controlling diabetes.

10. Vitamin and Mineral Content

Curd for diabetes patients can be beneficial as it contains various vitamins and minerals. These include magnesium, types of B vitamins, potassium, zinc, etc. These nutrients are necessary for your overall health and can have positive effects on diabetes management.

Remember that while curd can offer these benefits, portion control is crucial in attaining these benefits.

Disclaimer: The benefits of consuming curd for diabetes patients mentioned above are only applicable to diabetics with normal levels of blood sugar or the ones who cleared GTT. However, do remember portion control and the type of curd consumed are essential.

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Ways To Consume Curd For Diabetes Patients

Ways to Consume Curd


Here are some ways diabetes patients can incorporate curd in diabetes diets:

1. Plain Curd

Curd for diabetes patients is best when consumed in plain unsweetened curd as the base for various dishes. It’s low in carbohydrates and can be eaten on its own or used as a side dish with meals.

2. Lassi

Prepare this diabetic-friendly recipe of curd for diabetes patients. The sugar-free lassi is prepared by blending plain curd with water, a pinch of roasted cumin powder, and a touch of black salt. Avoid adding sugar, or use a sugar substitute sparingly.

3. Raita

Make nutrient-rich raita by mixing plain curd with finely chopped vegetables like cucumber, tomato, and onion. Add this recipe of curd in diabetes diets with a garnish of herbs like mint or coriander and season with minimal salt and spices.

4. Yogurt Parfait

Create a parfait by layering plain curd with berries, chopped fruits, and a sprinkle of nuts or seeds. This offers a balanced combination of carbohydrates, protein, and fiber.

5. Smoothies

This is another good recipe for curd for diabetes patients. Blend curd with low-carb fruits like berries or kiwi, along with a small amount of unsweetened almond milk. Adding a touch of cinnamon can enhance the flavor without adding sugar.

6. Chhaas or Buttermilk

Prepare a refreshing chhaas (buttermilk) by diluting the curd with water and adding roasted cumin powder, black salt, and chopped mint leaves. This low-calorie drink of curd for diabetes patients can help in their digestion.

7. Curries

Use curd for diabetes patients to make creamy curries with minimal oil and spices. Dishes like “Kadhi” can be prepared using chickpea flour and curd as the base.

8. Dips

Blend curd with herbs and spices to make healthy dips for raw vegetable sticks. This recipe of curd in diabetes diets can serve as a satisfying snack.

9. Protein-rich Snacks

Combine curd with diabetes-friendly snacking options like roasted chickpeas or boiled lentils. These protein-rich snacks will fill your belly and can help stabilize blood sugar levels.

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Side Effects of Curd for Diabetes Patients

Side Effects of Curd for Diabetes Patients

Curd for diabetes patients is generally considered a healthy food option due to its rich nutritional profile consisting of protein, probiotics, etc. The low glycemic index of curd also adds to its benefits. However, there are a few points to consider:

Lactose Content

Curd for diabetes patients can create problems as it contains lactose. Lactose is a type of natural sugar present in dairy products. While curd has less lactose compared to milk, individuals who are lactose intolerant might experience gastrointestinal discomforts like bloating, gas, and diarrhea.

Added Sugars

Consuming flavored or sweetened curd for diabetes patients increases their blood sugar levels as they have unnecessary sugar in them. These types of curd in diabetes diets can cause spikes in blood sugar levels. It’s best to opt for plain, unsweetened curd and add fresh fruits or nuts for natural sweetness and added nutrients.

Portion Control

While curd for diabetes patients can have positive effects on blood sugar control, portion control is essential. Consuming large quantities can still contribute to a spike in levels of blood sugar due to its carbs content.

Interactions with Medications

Some medications, particularly those for controlling blood sugar, can interact with certain compounds found in dairy products. It’s advisable to consult your doctor before including curd in your diet. This will ensure there are no negative interactions.

IGF (Insulin-Like Growth Factors) Molecules

Curd for diabetes patients, like all dairy products, contains molecules called IGF. These molecules appear like insulin to your body, but in reality, they aren’t like insulin. IGF molecules appear like insulin but don’t work or function like them. This increases your blood sugar and makes it bad for diabetes patients.

Gastrointestinal Health

The probiotics in curd for diabetes patients can support gut health, which might indirectly influence blood sugar control. However, some individuals might experience gastrointestinal issues when introducing probiotics, so it’s recommended to start with small amounts and observe any reactions.

Remember, every individual’s diabetes management plan is unique. If you’re uncertain about incorporating curd in diabetes diets you intake, consult your doctor, who will provide you with a wise approach. Just ensure your choices align with your specific health needs and goals.

Read More: Best Vegetable with Low Glycemic Index for Diabetics. 


In conclusion, the answer to, ‘Is curd good for type 2 diabetes patients?’ is yes, but with conditions. Yes, curd for diabetes patients can be a valuable addition to their diets, offering numerous potential benefits. With the low glycemic index of curd, high protein content, and probiotic properties, curd has some beneficial properties. But consuming dairy products is not advisable for diabetes patients. Moreover, diabetics with uncontrolled sugar levels should totally avoid it. The IGF molecules present in curd will create a big fuss in blood sugar levels. However, curd for diabetes patients who have cleared GTT or have normal blood sugar can have it in measured amounts. You need to keep in mind factors such as portion control, type of curd consumed (plain vs. flavored), and potential interactions with medications. It is recommended that diabetics consult their doctor before making any significant dietary changes. By incorporating curd mindfully and within the context of a balanced diet, diabetes patients can potentially enjoy its positive effects on their health and well-being

Read More: HbA1c (Hemoglobin A1c) A1c Chart, Test, Levels, & Normal Range


  1. Yadav H, Lee JH, Lloyd J, Walter P, Rane SG. Beneficial metabolic effects of a probiotic via butyrate-induced GLP-1 hormone secretion. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2013;288(35):25088-25097. doi:10.1074/jbc.M113.452516
  2. Panahi S, Tremblay A. Mechanisms of action of yogurt components on weight and appetite control: a review. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care. 2016;19(6):635-642. doi:10.1097/MCO.0000000000000335
  3. Nestel PJ, Yamashita T, Sasahara T, et al. Soy isoflavones improve systemic arterial compliance but not plasma lipids in menopausal and perimenopausal women. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. 1997;17(12):3392-3398. doi:10.1161/01.ATV.17.12.3392
  4. Pfeuffer M, Schrezenmeir J. Milk and the metabolic syndrome. Obesity Reviews. 2007;8(2):109-118. doi:10.1111/j.1467-789X.2006.00257.x
  5. Panahi S, Luhovyy BL, Liu TT, Akhavan T, El Khoury D, Goff HD, Anderson GH. Energy and macronutrient content of familiar beverages interact with premeal intervals to determine later food intake, subjective appetite, and glycemic response in young adults. The Journal of Nutrition. 2013;143(7):1159-1165. doi:10.3945/jn.112.170001
  6. Yadav H, Lee JH, Lloyd J, Walter P, Rane SG. Beneficial metabolic effects of a probiotic via butyrate-induced GLP-1 hormone secretion. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2013;288(35):25088-25097. doi:10.1074/jbc.M113.452516
  7. Murea M, Ma L, Kim J, et al. Glycemic index of various types of bread: comparison with food-based glycemic index values. Diabetes Care. 2008;31(10):1956-1961. doi:10.2337/dc08-0356


Which curd is best?

The best curd for diabetes patients is considered to be the unsweetened variety which is prepared from low-fat or toned milk. Try using homemade curd, as it’s lower in sodium content than the varieties available in the market.  

How much curd per day?

There is no defined or fixed quantity of curd for diabetes patients. But if you have high levels of HbA1c and blood sugar, avoid curd. Diabetics with controlled sugar can consume 100 grams to 150 grams of curd a day generally. But the quantity is to be decided by the doctor.


Can diabetic eat curd at night?

No, diabetics should avoid curd in their diet, especially at night. At night if curd is consumed, it causes the production of mucus. Curd in diabetes diet should be included during the day with meals or as a snack.


Can diabetic patients eat curd daily?

Yes, curd for diabetes patients with normal and controlled sugar levels can be consumed daily. The amount of curd is to be decided by the dietician, and the curd should be an unsweetened type made of low-fat milk. 


Does curd/dahi increase blood sugar?

The answer to this question is complicated. Looking at curd’s nutritional profile, one may think it won’t raise sugar levels. Firstly, the glycemic index of curd is low. Secondly, it is low in calories and high in protein. But curd is a dairy product, and like all dairy products, it has IGF molecules which, if consumed in large amounts, can increase your sugar levels.


Does curd/dahi increase blood sugar?

The answer to this question is complicated. Looking at curd’s nutritional profile, one may think it won’t raise sugar levels. Firstly, the glycemic index of curd is low. Secondly, it is low in calories and high in protein. But curd is a dairy product, and like all dairy products, it has IGF molecules which, if consumed in large amounts, can increase your sugar levels.  
Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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