Last updated on April 9th, 2022
Avocado is a popular fruit nowadays. The creamy green fruit is full of nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and heart-healthy fats. Can a diabetic patient eat avocado? While avocado is rich in fats, it’s the good fat that benefits diabetics. If a person is living with type 2 diabetes, adding avocado to his or her diet is a great help to lose weight, keep heart-healthy, lower cholesterol, as well as increase insulin sensitivity. Learn more about the avocado benefits for diabetics.

What is an Avocado?
It is often referred to as a superfood rich in nutrients with abundant health benefits. The versatility of avocado makes it a crucial addition to any diet. Avocados are creamy with a mild nut-like flavour.
The fruit can be of various sizes, shapes, colours, or weights, but all types deliver the same benefits. For those who are looking forward to improving their health, Avocados are becoming an extensively popular choice. As the fruit contains a low amount of carbohydrates, avocados are a much-preferred food choice for diabetics. And certainly, avocados are quite luscious. Thus, avocados and diabetes go hand-in-hand; read further and get to know are avocados good for diabetics or not.

This One Fruit Can Help Your Diabetes. Here’s How….
These are some of the top five reasons why a person must eat avocados on a daily basis.
Avocado Packs Powerful Nutrients
½ of a small avocado (the standard amount any person can eat) is composed of 5.9 grams of carbs and 4.6 grams of fiber. As per the USDA, the minimum recommended daily fiber consumption for adults is:
- Females below 50 years: 25 grams
- Females over 50 years: 21 grams
- Males below 50 years: 38 grams
- Males over 50 years: 30 grams
According to the Centers For Disease Control And Prevention, fiber supplements for diabetic patients have a great tendency to lower their fasting blood glucose levels and A1c levels. It’s always a good idea for people with diabetes to eat a high-fiber diet. Fiber intake can be easily increased by consuming more low-carbohydrate fruits, berries, veggies, avocados, leafy greens, nuts, and chia seeds.
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Avocados Don’t Raise Sugar Levels
Avocados contain a low amount of carbs, which means the fruit has little effect on blood sugar levels. Studies found that by adding half of this fruit to the meal of obese individuals, no significant difference was noticed in the blood sugar levels. According to the American Society for Nutrition, avocados are proven to increase post-meal sugar levels.
Avocados Good for Weight Loss and Insulin Sensitivity
Weight loss affects the person’s insulin sensitivity and lessens the chances of developing serious complications. An avocado characteristically comprises 17 grams of carbs, but 9 grams of this is dietary fiber. This low-carbohydrate, high-fiber blend helps in weight loss. Also, the oleic acid present in avocados plays a crucial role in losing body weight.
Avocado contains healthy fats, which give a sense of fullness. A research study published in the Nutrition Journal found that after including ½ avocado in the meal, an increase in meal fulfilment and a reduction in the desire to eat more was seen. When there is a sense of fullness after meals, the person is less likely to snack and have additional calories. Avocados consist of a healthy fat called monounsaturated fat, which also assists the body in using insulin more efficiently.
Maintaining a healthy weight is vital for every person nowadays, but predominantly for people with type 2 diabetes. Intake of a low-carbohydrate diet significantly helps diabetics lose weight, and avocados fit flawlessly into a low-carb diet.
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Avocado Provides Healthy Fats
There are two types of fats, namely, healthy fats and unhealthy fats. When a person consumes too many saturated fats, his or her bad (LDL) cholesterol levels in the blood get increased. Heart disorders occur when there are high LDL and low HDL cholesterol levels in the blood. Good sources of healthy fats include avocado, olive oil, flaxseeds, nuts such as almonds, cashews, and peanuts; and sesame or pumpkin seeds. According to the British Heart Foundation, avocados contain monounsaturated fats and can be safely eaten instead of foods containing saturated fats.
They Have A Long-Term, Positive Effect On Health
Avocados when consumed regularly; produce numerous benefits on the person’s overall health, predominantly the heart. Several positive heart-healthy effects have been established in relation to long-term avocado consumption. People having a habit of eating avocados every day are more likely to develop the metabolic syndrome (diabetes, heart disease, or stroke).
Avocados are packed with healthy goodness. The list of nutritive components present in avocados is dense. Monosaturated fats (oleic acid) constitute about 71% of avocado and helps in decreasing total cholesterol levels and heart-related problems. Does avocado help lower blood pressure? The answer is, yes. The fruit also contains soluble fiber, also helping in reducing the bad (LDL) cholesterol, while its high potassium content helps in keeping up the blood pressure within normal limits.
Avocado and Diabetes: Know about the Daily Limits!
As per the FDA, one serving of medium-sized avocado (i.e. one-fifth of the fruit) gives about 50 calories. Among regular avocado users, the studies found:
- lower body weight
- better overall nutrition
- decreased risk of type 2 diabetes
Avocado has been found to:
- Alter the activities of carb metabolic enzymes.
- Enhance the glucose uptake in the liver and regulate the levels of liver enzymes. Avocado has been found to improve glucose tolerance and insulin resistance in patients with diabetes.
- Block the activities of enzymes like α-amylase and decrease oxidative stress.
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How to Pick an Avocado?
It takes numerous days for an avocado to ripen. Mostly, avocados found in the grocery store will not be ripe yet. Classically, it’s good to buy the fruit a few days before a person wants to eat it. An unripe avocado is usually solid green in color. When it turns ripe, it gets a deeper, black shade of green.
The fruit must be checked for any bruises or spongy spots before buying by turning an avocado around in the hand. An overripe avocado is spongy. An unripe avocado is hard in feeling, similar to an apple. The unripe fruit must be left on the kitchen counter for some days until it becomes softer. It must have a tendency of squeezing like a tomato to test the ripeness.
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How to Open an Avocado?
- Use a knife to cut the fruit lengthwise, top to bottom from each side. A pit exists in the middle of an avocado; thus, it becomes difficult to slice through it.
- Once slices are made in the fruit all around, take the pieces in your hands and twist and pull the two sides away.
- Use a spoon to dig out the pit.
- Peel off the skin from the avocado using your hands or a knife tip and scrape the fruit softly from the skin.
- Cut it down to thin slices and enjoy its tremendous benefits.
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Different Ways To Enjoy An Avocado
Avocado is a versatile fruit and can be eaten in different ways. Here are a few things a person can try with avocado:
- Slicing it up and putting it on a sandwich.
- Cubbing it down and sprinkling in a salad. Adding avocado to salads significantly decreases saturated fat and making a person feel fuller.
- Mashing it with lime juice and spices making a nice dip.
- Smearing it on a morning toast instead of cream cheese or butter. This way bad fat gets substituted with good, fiber-rich fat.
- Cutting it up and adding it to an omelet.
- Baking with avocado than butter or oil. Give a try to low-carb avocado brownies. They are delicious!
- Adding it in a smoothie rather than milk for a blast of nutrients and fiber. Must-take for a diabetic patient!
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Diabetes-Friendly Nutrients in Avocados
Avocado = Fiber + Healthy Fats + Sugars + Carotenoids + Vitamins C and E + Polyphenols.
Dietary fiber
Greater consumption of fibers chiefly from fruits and green or yellow veggies is related to a lowered risk of diabetes. This is how, avocado lower blood sugar.
Monounsaturated fats are present in avocado help in decreasing the risk of type 2 diabetes, reducing the HbA1c levels, thus improving insulin sensitivity.
Sugar in avocado is of a special type, D-manno-heptulose. This sugar may assist in the regulation of blood sugar by decreasing the glycolysis process.
Avocado is composed of vibrant carotenoid pigments, namely lutein, beta carotene, and zeaxanthin. Higher consumption of these carotenoids leads to a decreased risk of diabetes. Also, it is found that lutein and zeaxanthin may also improve resistance to diabetic retinopathy, a diabetic complication.
Vitamin C
Studies have found that diabetics may have higher vitamin C needs. Thus, vitamin C supplements help considerably in glucose control in patients with diabetes type 2.
Vitamin E
Avocado also comprises vitamin E. Avocado consists of both vitamin C and E and it’s just great. Vitamin E needs vitamin C to help it revive its antioxidant capacity. When a person takes vitamin E in a higher amount, he or she is at a reduced risk of diabetes type 2.
Diets with a higher quantity of polyphenols also assist in decreasing the risk of developing diabetes by positively affecting glucose metabolism. For diabetics, polyphenols help in decreasing HbA1c and decreasing oxidative stress and inflammation, as a result improving insulin resistance.
Is Eating Too Much Avocado Bad?
An entire avocado gives approximately 250-300 calories. Even though this fruit has a good form of fat, these calories can still cause weight gain if one takes it beyond his or her calorie requirements. If the person is trying to lose weight, he or she must practice portion control. Rather than including avocado in the diet, it can be used as a replacement for foods rich in saturated fat, such as butter or cheese.
Avocado is popular as a super-food. Avocado benefits for diabetes are bountiful, and its usefulness makes it an imperative addition to a person’s diet. Diabetics have twice the risk of cardiovascular disorders as those without diabetes. Avocado is an ideal choice for people with type 2 diabetes as it improves blood lipid levels, triglycerides, and total cholesterol levels.
AVOCADO = Improved Blood Sugar Control + Lower Insulin Levels + Lower Blood Lipids and Triglycerides!
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Should I refrigerate avocados?
Avoid refrigerating the avocados that feel spongy or in which dents and dips exist in the skin. Once it gets ripe, you can have the avocado for the next two days, or store it entirely in the refrigerator for a maximum of 3 days. The cold temperature slows down the process of ripening, so avoid purchasing unripe avocados and it’s always better to put them in the refrigerator.
Is it right to have eggs and avocado every day?
The most perfect way of not risking the amplification with fat and calories is to bring to the table ½ an avocado together with two eggs, if possible hard-boiled, barely a couple of times a week.
What occurs if I eat avocado on a daily basis?
Along with improving cardiovascular health by affecting your cholesterol levels, studies indicate that avocados play a key role in improving your heart health by having a positive effect on the gut biome.
Is it good to eat an avocado at the night?
Yes, nutritionists suggest that this fruit is one of the numerous foods whose dietary properties can trick your brain into waking you up at night. But, also the experts say that avocados contain tryptophan, which can neutralize tyramine’s effect.
Is it good to have 1 avocado a day or is half an avocado a day too much?
Generally, it is suggested that half to one avocado a day is sensible to eat. Since avocados are a major source of healthy fats, they give you a more satisfying feeling and are difficult to overdo as they tend to fill your stomach.
Why some black spots are present inside an avocado?
Avocados with black or brown spots, frequently referred to as flesh stains occur on exposure of the fruit to cold temperatures for an extended time duration before its ripening process starts. Flesh staining may take place in transit or because of compression due to excessive handling.
When I should not have an avocado?
Avocados are decayed if on squeezing, they turn spongy, brown, or rotting from inside, and have developed a sour smell or rancidity. You can recover a part of the fruit if it has just begun to turn brown from inside and the rest smelling and tasting fine.
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