Author: Dr. Rashmi GR

Insulin Resistance Diet: What to Eat & What to Avoid

Last updated on September 14th, 2023Insulin resistance is an onset of diabetes if left unattended. Insulin resistance is the body’s resistance to using insulin hormones properly. According to the data of the World Health Organisation, around 77 million people are suffering from diabetes, and millions are on the brink of getting it. This metabolic disorder is …

Is Beans Safe for Diabetics?

Last updated on June 6th, 2022Beans are a superfood for diabetics. This indicates that beans are an exceptional option for diabetic patients. And, the veggie offers many health and nutritional benefits. The ADA (American Diabetes Association) produced a list of useful food products for people with diabetes. Beans contain rich amounts of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and …

Vildagliptin and Metformin – Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & Interactions

Last updated on July 20th, 2023Vildagliptin and Metformin, both medications, are used to treat diabetes. Being an anti-diabetic medication, Metformin helps in reducing the production of glucose inside the liver. At he same time, Vildagliptin is a DPP-4 inhibitor that increases insulin release from the pancreas and decreases the hormones that raise blood sugar levels. Both …


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