Last updated on August 1st, 2022
Breathe Well-Being becomes the first health tech company from India, with ADA (American Diabetes Association) recognition, reverses type 2 diabetes

Overview of Breathe Well-being Online Diabetes Reversal Plan
Breathe Well-being is the Gurgaon-based health-tech start-up. It was founded in 2020 by Mr. Rohan Verma and Mr. Aditya Kaicker. The company’s vision: to help people live a life free of diabetes. For this, Breathe Well-Being offers a clinically proven platform. Expertise team in healthcare, community, and lifestyle management. The company creates a revolutionary change in the healthcare digital world.
Breathe Well-being is a natural diabetes reversal program. It is clinically proven to help people:
- lose weight
- reduce the blood sugar levels
- avoid the risk of certain health complications.
The platform customizes help a person in receiving correct information:
- meal plans
- fitness
- stress mitigation
All three are the key factors in controlling type 2 diabetes. To achieve all the above, an expert diabetes coach discusses with the person. And, he or she creates a customized diet and fitness plan for the person. Breathe’s private community helps to support and motivate people. To endlessly walk towards their fitness journeys. The company has motivated 10,000+ participants to recover their blood glucose levels within limits. They have noticed a reduction in their medications. And, have lost a substantial amount of weight.
Breathe Well-being Diabetes program is a digital therapeutics program. It helps people manage and reverse type 2 diabetes. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) verifies the program. This plan delivers customised interventions. It makes use of personalised coaches and a community approach. it makes use of interactive gamification. Breathe encourages people to track their blood glucose level, weight and physical activity.
This natural reversal plan provides:
- education
- lifestyle recommendations
- health-related content as part of a curriculum.
The plan customizes as per the patient’s health profile and preferences. It helps doctors by offering comprehensive lifestyle data. It enables comprehensive data-driven clinical decisions. The plan helps the patients stick to their doctor’s suggestions to attain diabetes remission. Diabetes Remission is the removal of diabetes-associated drugs. And, the patient would thus be able to maintain an HbA1c level of under 6.5% for 3 months.

What is Diabetes Reversal?
Type 2 diabetes is a chronic medical problem. This can be considered not curable. However, in a few patients, it is possible to reverse it. Yes, diabetes is reversible. The glucose levels might return to normal. Also, it is possible to notice an improvement in insulin sensitivity. This is known as diabetes reversal.
Reversal of diabetes occurs when the patient stops his or her medicines. And, it is possible to see a considerable improvement in insulin sensitivity and HbA1c levels under 6%. These all can be possible through the joint effect of:
- exercises
- diet plans
- lifestyle change
- medicinal support.
Diabetes Reversal and Breathe Well-Being
A constant diabetes reversal companion aids in a better glucose control. The facts and techniques shared by the Breathe diabetes educators assure unbelievable results. The dedicated experts monitor:
- health parameters
- blood glucose levels
- dosage adjustments
- diet
- exercises or fitness.
This balances with Breathe’s online groups, mentors, as well as staff.
Key for Diabetes Reversal
For attaining freedom from diabetes, diabetes reversal is a must. And, for diabetes reversal, a person needs to break the cycle of insulin and glucose insensitivity. The best ways include:
- Diet control: Encourage a low carbohydrate diet and a very low-calorie diet.
- Lifestyle changes: Lifestyle changes in combination with regular exercises help in weight management.
- Bariatric surgery: Regulates weight problems and improves beta-cell performance.
Breathe Well-being’s lifestyle intervention program helps diabetics (type 2). The company focuses on healthy living plus Diabetes reversal. This lifestyle intervention program has assisted patients in:
- bodyweight loss
- A1c decrease
- improved stress levels
- above 95% patients with HbA1c level decrease of above 10%
- 90% of patients completely stopped or lowered medicines.
Salient features of Breathe’s Reversal Plan
The ADA acknowledges the company’s ability to tackle the problem of Diabetes. Breathe Well-being promises a diabetes-free life to every diabetic. The company’s policy is a “No Outcome, No Pay” one. Here, diabetics end up paying only if they notice a considerable reduction in the HbA1c levels. Else, they would get a refund.
The holistic diabetes care program includes:
- diet
- exercise
- stress reduction
- an intensive 1 on 1 coaching with a health coach
- community groups for people
- an interactive game design to increase motivation of people.
Breathe Well-Being is a scalable approach to the rising issue of Type 2 Diabetes in India. It comes with at-home intensive programs. It offers real-time monitoring and guidance for the patients. This facility is not traditionally available in hospitals and clinics. Patients are becoming more aware and motivated by Reversal. And that too, with a natural lifestyle modification rather than medications. Moreover, achieving full Diabetes Remission offers them more freedom in their diet and lifestyle without Diabetes-related worries.
The digital platform offers:
- Effective coaching with regular follow-ups
- Excellent fitness programs and stress management techniques
- Constant patient care
- Education via reversal companion help
- Individualized nutrition therapy
Why Choose Us?
- Breathe works on the mechanism of digital therapeutics to deal with the complex situation of diabetes. Digital Therapeutics is an ascendable as well as a workable solution to the rising issue of diabetes type 2 in India.
- Through Breathe’s platform, patients become more aware and happier by the opportunity of reversal. That too, using a natural lifestyle modification instead of being stuck on medicines for life.
- In addition, attaining a complete diabetes remission gives them more independence in their diet as well as a lifestyle without diabetes-associated worries.
- Breathe Well-being works on the best routines for a person. The ways to exercise, when and for how long. The company helps to reduce weight by getting fitter and healthier.
- Access to this program is via the Breathe Well-being mobile app. It is available on the App Store and Play store. Thus, Breathe Well-being helps control blood glucose levels. The program helps people move towards a healthy life. The platform lowers people’s risk of chronic disorders. Breathe’s evidence-based strategy takes care of:
- tastes
- lifestyle options
- metabolic condition
Different Approach to Diabetes Reversal
In this way, delivery of appropriate nutrition, progressive fitness, and mindfulness occurs.
Many people must be thinking that the concept of diabetes reversal is new. Type 2 diabetes has been a life-long health problem. It comes with an unavoidable progression toward deteriorating health. This includes stroke, heart disorder, nerve damage, kidney failure, and even hearing or vision loss. Words such as “remission”, “cure” or “reversal” have never been a part of the diabetes vocabulary. In its place, an example has always been “diabetes management” is used.
Every diabetic person must be aware of the ways to manage the condition. This occurs by controlling:
- blood sugar levels
- blood pressure levels
- cholesterol levels.
Testimonials by Breathe’s Athletes
Any diabetic face lots of challenges while managing blood sugar levels. Many factors affect a person’s glucose level. But it is possible. And, 1000+s of diabetics have seen reversal. When they made changes in their eating, exercising, and sleeping routines. These factors can be:
- diet
- medicines
- exercise
- other medical problems
- alcohol intake
- stress
- hormonal issues like menstruation.
Diabetics must always stick to a stringent diet plan. This comprises a lot of antioxidants and fibers and fewer carbs. Diabetics should not take:
- starchy veggies
- fast food
- other food products containing high amounts of carbs.
Breathe Well-being’s Diabetes reversal program helps reverse the condition. Also, it maintains the overall health in the long run. So, just click on our plans, to begin with your Diabetes Reversal Journey!Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal
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