Is Makhana Good For Weight Loss? What Does the Expert Say?

Makhana, also known as fox nuts or lotus seeds, is a nutritious snack popular in India. Rich in protein, fiber, and antioxidants, makhana offers numerous health benefits, including weight management and improved digestion. Its crunchy texture and mild flavor make it a versatile ingredient for various dishes. In this article, we’ll understand how makhana is good for weight loss.

Nutritional Value of Makhana

According to the USDA, here is the nutritional breakdown of Makhana (Lotus Seeds):

Nutrients  Amounts per 100g
Water 14.2 g
Energy 332 kcal
Protein 15.4 g
Total Fat 1.97 g
Ash 3.99 g
Carbohydrates 64.5 g
Calcium 163 mg
Iron 3.53 mg
Magnesium 210 mg
Phosphorous 626 mg
Potassium 1370 mg
Zinc 5 mg
Copper 1.05 mg

Is Makhana Good For Weight Loss?

Makhana, known as Lotus Seeds or Fox Nuts, is a natural source packed with vital nutrients that are proven to support effective weight management. Makhana is good for weight loss because it boasts low cholesterol levels, saturated fat, and sodium. A typical serving of 1 cup (32 grams) of Makhanas contains merely 106 calories, completely devoid of cholesterol and saturated fat. Consequently, incorporating lotus seeds into your diet reduces calories while ensuring essential nutritional benefits.

Makhana And Weight Loss: Understanding The Science Behind

Makhana And Weight Loss

Whether trying to lose weight or not, Makhana or fox nuts are an excellent addition to one’s diet. There are numerous health benefits of Makhana, and here are some ways that explain how eating makhana in weight loss is helpful:

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High Fiber Content:

Makhana and weight loss are strongly connected as makhana has high fiber content. According to Harvard Health, eating 30 grams of fiber each day can help you lose weight and improve other bodily functions. With each 32g serving, Makhana offers 4.5g of fiber. Consider the effortless weight loss potential provided by incorporating Makhana into your diet.

It is well-accepted that foods rich in fiber enhance feelings of fullness. Fiber induces satiety through its ability to bulk up and create viscosity, thereby delaying gastric emptying, influencing the feeling of satisfaction.

Rich In Protein:

Another connection between makhana and weight loss is protein. Numerous individuals source their protein from various food sources, with fox nuts emerging as a viable option. A 1-ounce portion of fox nuts provides 4.3 grams of protein, primarily comprising essential amino acids—types crucial for the body as they cannot be synthesised internally and must be obtained through dietary means. This aspect renders fox nuts a favourable choice for those adhering to vegan or vegetarian dietary regimens.

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Low In Saturated Fats:

One of the most important weight loss makhana benefits is that it is low in saturated fats. Makhana, being low in saturated fats, contributes significantly to weight loss efforts. Saturated fats are often associated with weight gain due to their high-calorie content and potential to increase cholesterol levels. According to the British Heart Foundation,  eating saturated fat is also linked to heart diseases. People can effectively manage their calorie intake by consuming foods low in saturated fats like Makhana, promoting weight loss.

Additionally, Makhana’s low saturated fat content ensures that the body doesn’t store excess fat, aiding in maintaining a healthy weight.

Supports Metabolism:

Makhana and weight loss are closely linked as makhana supports metabolism. Makhana contains compounds such as magnesium, which plays a crucial role in metabolic processes within the body. Magnesium is an essential cofactor for enzymes involved in energy production and metabolism. Additionally, Makhana is a good source of phosphorus, another mineral vital for energy metabolism, particularly in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the body’s primary energy currency.

Furthermore, certain bioactive compounds found in Makhana, such as flavonoids and alkaloids, have been studied for their potential to enhance metabolic rate and fat oxidation. Thus eating makhana in weight loss is good.

Prevents Fat Accumulation:

Makhana in weight loss is considered extremely impactful as it prevents fat accumulation. Makhana boasts abundant complex carbohydrates, ensuring a gradual release of blood glucose. This steadies blood sugar levels, stopping the storage of excess fat in the body. Unlike sugary foods that trigger spikes in glucose and insulin, hindering fat burning, Makhana aids in maintaining stable blood sugar levels.

By incorporating Makhana into your daily meals, you can curtail fat storage and expedite your weight loss journey while promoting overall well-being.

Low On Calories:

Low-calorie content is another point that explains how is makhana good for weight loss. Makhana’s low-calorie nature is instrumental in facilitating weight loss. With fewer calories per serving, people can consume satisfying portions without exceeding their daily calorie limits. This allows for better portion control and reduced overall caloric intake, creating a calorie deficit necessary for weight loss.

Additionally, incorporating low-calorie foods like Makhana into meals and snacks helps to replace higher-calorie alternatives, aiding in the reduction of total daily energy intake.

Makhana Recipes For Weight Loss

One of the best weight loss makhana benefits is that it can be prepared in several ways. Here are some makhana recipes for weight loss that’ll help you indulge in the delicious snack:

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Makhana Kheer

  1. Roast 1 cup of makhana in a deep saucepan with 1 tsp of ghee until golden.
  2. Remove the roasted makhana from the pan.
  3. In the same pan, add 2 cups of skimmed milk and bring it to a boil.
  4. Add 2 tbsp of powdered jaggery to the boiling milk and mix until dissolved.
  5. Return the roasted makhana to the pan and stir well.
  6. Simmer the mixture over medium heat for approximately 20 minutes.
  7. Allow the milk to thicken to the desired consistency.
  8. Once thickened, turn off the heat.
  9. Add chopped nuts as a garnish.
  10. Serve the dish hot and enjoy!

Masala Makhana

  1. Dry roast makhana in a non-stick pan or use 1 tbsp of oil or ghee per cup of makhana.
  2. After roasting, season with red chilli powder, salt, black pepper, and black salt to taste.
  3. Thoroughly mix the seasonings with the roasted makhana.
  4. Store the seasoned makhana in an airtight container for future consumption.
  5. Health experts recommend this as one of the healthiest evening snacks.
  6. Enjoy it with tea for a delightful and satisfying experience.

Makhana Chaat

  • In a non-stick pan, roast 1 cup of makhana along with 1 tbsp of oil or ghee.
  • Transfer the roasted makhana to a plate.
  • Add boiled and diced sweet potato, ½ onion, ½ tomato, and 2 tsp of roasted peanuts to the plate.
  • Season the mixture with salt, pepper, and red chilli powder according to taste.
  • Drizzle 2 tbsp of curd and 1 tsp of lemon juice over the mixture.
  • Garnish with 2 tsp of chopped coriander leaves and 1 tsp of sev.

Ghee Roasted Makhana

  1. Heat 2 tablespoons of ghee in a non-stick pan over medium heat until melted.
  2. Add 2 cups of makhana (fox nuts) to the pan.
  3. Roast the makhana in the melted ghee, stirring frequently, until they become crisp and golden brown, about 8-10 minutes.
  4. Once roasted, sprinkle salt over the makhana and toss well to coat evenly.
  5. Optional: Add black pepper or chaat masala for extra flavour.
  6. Allow the roasted makhana to cool completely before storing it in an airtight container.
  7. Enjoy this crunchy and nutritious roasted makhana for weight loss!

Phool Makhana For Weight Loss

Phool makhana, also known as popped lotus seeds, is derived from the seeds of the lotus flower. It undergoes a unique processing method where the raw seeds are dried and popped, resulting in a light and crunchy texture. This process gives phool makhana its distinctive appearance, resembling popped popcorn.

Compared to regular makhana, phool makhana is lighter in weight and has a larger, puffier appearance due to the popping process. Makhana benefits in weight loss are almost same for both the varieties as they offer similar nutritional benefits, phool makhana is often preferred for its delicate texture and enhanced snackability.

Phool makhana for weight loss is excellent for several reasons. Firstly, it is low in calories, making it a guilt-free snack option that can be enjoyed in larger quantities without worrying about excessive calorie intake. Additionally, phool makhana is rich in fiber, which aids in promoting feelings of fullness and satiety, thus reducing the likelihood of overeating. Its low glycemic index also helps regulate blood sugar levels, preventing sudden spikes that can lead to cravings and overeating. Lastly, phool makhana is naturally gluten-free and rich in antioxidants, making it a wholesome and nutritious addition to any weight loss diet.

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Best Way To Eat Makhana For Weight Loss

Best Way To Eat Makhana For Weight Loss

Incorporating makhana into your diet can be a delicious and effective way to support weight loss. Here are some of the best ways to eat makhana for weight loss:

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Dry Roasted Makhana:

Roast makhana in a non-stick pan without any oil or ghee until they become crisp and golden brown. Season them with a sprinkle of salt, pepper, or your favourite herbs and spices for a flavorful and satisfying snack.

Makhana Trail Mix:

Mix roasted makhana with other nutritious ingredients like nuts, seeds, and dried fruits to create a crunchy trail mix. This portable snack is perfect for curbing hunger between meals and providing a boost of energy.

Makhana Bhel:

Combine roasted makhana with chopped vegetables like tomatoes, onions, and cucumber. Add a squeeze of lemon juice, a dash of chaat masala, and some chopped cilantro for a refreshing and flavorful makhana bhel.

Makhana Smoothie:

Blend roasted makhana with your favourite fruits, yoghurt or milk, and a handful of spinach or kale for a nutrient-packed smoothie. This creamy and satisfying beverage makes for a nutritious breakfast or snack option.

Makhana Curry:

Use roasted makhana as a crunchy topping for salads, soups, or curries. Their light and airy texture add a delightful crunch to your favorite dishes without adding extra calories.

Incorporating makhana into your diet in these ways can help you feel full and satisfied while supporting your weight loss goals. Remember to enjoy makhana in moderation as part of a balanced diet and active lifestyle.


In conclusion, Makhana is considered a versatile and nutritious snack in weight loss journeys. Loaded with essential nutrients and low in cholesterol, saturated fats, and sodium, Makhana offers a guilt-free indulgence. Its high fiber content promotes satiety, aiding in portion control and reducing overall caloric intake. Furthermore, Makhana supports metabolism and prevents fat accumulation, contributing to effective weight management. With various delectable recipes, from dry roasts to flavorful bhels, incorporating Makhana into your diet not only enhances nutritional intake but also adds a crunchy twist to your meals. Looking at the whole picture, one can take Makhana as a wholesome snack and culinary delight to achieve remarkable weight loss goals.

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FAQ’s(Frequently Asked Questions)

Can we eat makhana during weight loss?

Absolutely! Makhana is an excellent snack option for weight loss. Low in calories and high in nutrients like protein and fiber, it helps keep you full for longer periods, curbing hunger cravings. Incorporating makhana into your diet as a healthy snack can aid in weight loss by promoting satiety and providing essential nutrients without excess calories.

How many makhana make 100 calories?

Approximately 25 grams of roasted makhana make up 100 calories. However, the exact number may vary slightly based on factors like size and moisture content. It’s essential to be mindful of portion sizes when incorporating makhana into your diet for weight management, ensuring you stay within your calorie goals while enjoying this nutritious snack.

What is the healthiest way to eat makhana?

The healthiest way to eat makhana is by dry roasting them without any oil or ghee. This method preserves their natural goodness while adding a delightful crunch. Season them with a sprinkle of salt, pepper, or your favorite herbs and spices for added flavor without extra calories. Avoiding deep frying or excessive seasoning ensures you get the most nutritional benefits from makhana.

How much makhana can I eat in a day for weight loss?

The ideal amount of makhana to eat in a day for weight loss varies depending on individual calorie needs and dietary preferences. As a low-calorie snack, you can enjoy makhana in moderation throughout the day, replacing higher-calorie snacks or incorporating them into your meals as a healthy option. Aim for a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutritious foods alongside makhana for optimal weight loss results.

Can phool makhana reduce weight?

Yes, phool makhana, or popped lotus seeds, can contribute to weight loss when consumed as part of a balanced diet. With its low calorie content, high fiber, and satisfying crunch, phool makhana helps control hunger cravings and prevents overeating. Additionally, its nutritional profile supports metabolism and aids in fat burning, making it a beneficial addition to weight loss diets.

What happens if we eat phool makhana daily?

Eating phool makhana daily can have several health benefits. Its rich nutritional content provides essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, supporting overall health and well-being. Regular consumption of phool makhana may aid in weight management by promoting satiety, regulating blood sugar levels, and boosting metabolism. Additionally, its low glycemic index makes it a suitable snack for individuals with diabetes or those watching their blood sugar.

What is the best time to eat makhana for weight loss?

The best time to eat makhana for weight loss depends on individual preferences and dietary habits. However, incorporating makhana into your diet as a mid-morning or afternoon snack can be particularly beneficial. Consuming makhana between meals helps curb hunger cravings, keeping you satisfied until your next meal and preventing overeating.

Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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