Last updated on April 25th, 2022
Elephant yam or Jimikand is a cash crop. Its name is because of its transversal structure and its close similarity to an elephant’s foot. Elephant yam is a tuber crop, pinkish-brown in colour. And, it has a hard and stony exterior. It is popular due to its high nutritious value and numerous health benefits. Elephant Yam is beneficial for diabetic patients as it helps in controlling blood sugar levels,
It helps to maintain usual bowel movements in cramps, constipation, intestinal heat, or others. Jimikand works great in reducing high cholesterol levels and is a very effective weight loss agent. Jimikand is considered safe for high sugar patients because it doesn’t increase normal blood sugar level. The rich amounts of trace elements such as zinc, potassium, selenium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorous.
Thus, it aids in improving memory and concentration power. Elephant foot yam is useful in improving immunity. Moreover, it is a great anti-inflammatory agent and a detoxifier. It fundamentally improves the problem of the enlarged prostate gland in males.

People Utilize Elephant Foot Vegetables to Treat Various Diseases
- Fatigue
- Dysmenorrhea
- Piles
- Inflammation
- Constipation
- Emesis
- Acidity
- Rheumatism
- Tumors
- Elephantiasis
People nowadays use the Elephant yam plant due to its powerful carminative and anthelmintic properties. It contains vital minerals, thus found to be effective in anemia, bone health, electrolyte balance, etc. The elephant yam plant aids in preventing early aging. The plant acts as a digestive aid and can also be used as a laxative.
Furthermore, Elephant Yam is beneficial for diabetic patients and helps in maintaining healthy hormonal levels in the body.

About Jimikand (Elephant Yam) Plant
Elephant foot yam is Amorphophallus paeoniifolius in scientific terms. It belongs to the family Araceae. The plant of Jimikand blossoms every year around the commencement of the rainy season. It contains a purple inflorescence. Also, it secretes a strong mucus to fascinate pollinating pests. Trapping of pests occurs within the flower. And, this permits the transfer of pollen to stigmas. After the deposition of pollen, the female flowers develop berries bright red in colour. Elephant foot yam is also known as telinga or stinky lily fruit.
Elephant Yam (Jimikand) Nutrition
It comprises enough carbs and proteins. This categorizes elephant foot yam is a good staple food. Its other ingredients include:
- Xylose
- Galactose
- Beta-sitosterol
- Stigmasterol
- Amylase
- Lupeol
- Betulinic acid.
Moreover, it comprises rich amounts of calcium, zinc, potassium, vitamins A, B6, and phosphorous. A few other components of elephant foot vegetables include flavonoids, phenols, alkaloids, steroids, and amblyone.
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Nutritional Information of Jimikand Vegetable (per 100gm)
- Total carbs: 110 g
- Calories: 116
- Total Fat: 0.01 g
- Protein: 0.04 g
- Potassium: 670 mg
- Sodium: 8 mg
Vitamins and Minerals Content
- Vitamin A: 22 IU
- Calcium: 50 mg
- Iron: 3%
Yam is not only an outstanding source of fiber but is also rich in manganese and potassium. Both are significant for promoting growth, bone health, heart health, and metabolism. Moreover, these tubers deliver good quantities of other micronutrients like copper and vitamin C. Copper plays a key role in the production of RBCs and iron absorption. Whereas vitamin C acts as a powerful antioxidant helpful in improving a person’s immunity.
Yams packs good amounts of vitamins, fibers, and minerals. The plant contains rich amounts of copper, potassium, vitamin C, and manganese.
Glycemic Facts of Yams
The sugar amount of elephant yam is low. It comprises about 0.5-gram sugar per 100 grams. Also, vegetable is high in carbohydrates and low in fats. Furthermore, yam contains rich amounts of fiber. As per the International Tables of Glycemic Index, elephant foot yam contains a GI of 51.
The glycemic index of peeled and boiled yam lies in the range of 20 to 25. African white yam contains GI values of 58 to 72. A study indicates that the GI of white Caribbean yam is 62. As per research, elephant foot yams are diabetes-friendly. And, it helps to lower the insulin resistance of pancreatic cells. So we can say that Elephant Yam is beneficial for diabetic patients, and should be included in their balanced diet.
Yam is a low GI item. It comprises high carbs, low sugar, and high fiber. In addition, elephant foot yam is an anti-inflammatory food. And, it aids to reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems and diabetes.
Benefits of Elephant Yam (Jimikand)
Improvement of blood glucose control
Elephant foot yam is thought to improve blood glucose levels. In a study, rats who were fed yam powder had reduced fasting blood glucose and HbA1c levels than the control groups. There was another study in which rats who were fed with high quantities of purple yam extract indicated:
- Higher weight loss
- Lower appetite
- Better diabetes control
Besides, another study in rats observed that yam flour supplementation decreased the rate of blood glucose absorption. And, this caused a significant improvement in blood glucose control. These effects are due to the fiber and resistant starch in elephant foot yams.
Resistant starch travels via the gut in undigested form. This form of starch is associated with several health benefits. These can be reduced appetite and better blood glucose control and insulin sensitivity.
Numerous studies have established that Elephant Yam is beneficial for diabetic patients as it improves blood glucose levels because of its high dietary fiber and resistant starch.
Promotes Brain Health
Consuming elephant foot yams is seen to boost brain health. In a study, individuals who consumed a yam extract scored greater on a brain function test in comparison to the control group.
Yams comprise an exceptional compound named diosgenin. It supports the growth of neurons and improves brain working. Also, diosgenin is known to improve memory and learning skills in mice in a number of maze tests. Yet, more studies are required in this area to completely know how yams might promote brain health.
Yam vegetables consist of an exceptional compound named diosgenin. It is found that Elephant Yam is beneficial for improving brain working and memory.
Jimikand Lowers Inflammation
Elephant yam contains antioxidants useful in decreasing inflammation. Chronic inflammation is associated with a higher risk of several medical conditions. These are diabetes, cardiac problems, and obesity. Consuming anti-inflammatory foods products like yams are helpful in managing chronic inflammation.
Numerous rat studies found that yam powder lowered inflammation associated with ailments like IBS, colon cancer, or stomach ulcers. Yet, a greater number of studies are required to determine whether the consumption of yams exerts similar anti-inflammatory effects in humans.
Yams contain high content of antioxidants. These aid in decreasing inflammation associated with several ailments. Yet, more studies are required to assure these results.
Yam Eases Menopausal Signs
Yam vegetables are great in mitigating signs of menopause. In one study, females swapped their staple food of rice to consuming yams in two out of three diets (i.e., a total of 390 g) each day. It was found that their blood levels of estradiol and estrone enhanced by 26% and 27%, correspondingly.
Estradiol and estrone are two estrogen hormones. Their blood levels classically reduce during menopause. Improving the levels of estrogen is thought to reduce menopause signs. However, another 6-month study observed that topical use of wild yam cream exerted a slight effect on menopause signs like flushing or night sweats than a placebo. More amount of research is required to establish the role that elephant foot yams might have in mitigating menopause signs.
Yams are useful in alleviating the signs of menopause. However, we can say that elephant yam is beneficial for overall health.
Cancer-Fighting Potential
Elephant foot yams offer numerous antioxidants with powerful anti-cancer properties. In an animal study, it is found that a yam-containing diet considerably lowered the growth of colon cancer. Such effects were related to the antioxidants found in yams. This suggests that these tubers might have a protective action against cancer.
Besides, a test-tube study observed that extracts from Chinese yam, particularly the peel, blocked the growth of liver tumors and provided great antioxidant action.
Test-tube and animal studies propose that the antioxidants present in elephant foot yams might exert anticancer effects. However, human studies are deficient.
Cholesterol-Lowering Agent
Yam Vegetables are known for reducing bad cholesterol levels in the body. Yams contain omega-3-fatty acids and aid to increase the levels of good cholesterol. Also, it lowers the levels of LDL and VLDL. Elephant foot comprises very low around 0.2 to 0.4% of fat as well as high levels of 1.7 to 5% of fibers. This makes yams a perfect food in the process of weight loss.
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Anticoagulant and Anti-inflammatory
Elephant foot yam works as an effective anticoagulant. The vegetable is useful in lowering the risks of heart attacks. In addition, it aids to relive the clots produced in arteries and veins. This property might be useful in hypertension and complications such as coronary artery disease.
Delays Ageing
The strong antioxidants in yams are known to delay the aging process. Moreover, it aids in evading the risks of heart problems, cancer, and strokes. Another vital component of elephant foot yam is vitamin C. It also helps to delay the process of aging. Jimikand delays the process of aging by making a person’s skin wrinkle-free and blemish-free.
Manages Gastrointestinal Problems
Jimikand is said to be useful in the treatment of irregular bowel movements, especially in cases of constipation. Elephant foot yam is also helpful in treating diarrhea, and dysentery and maintains good health across the gastrointestinal tract by supplementing probiotics.
Cooling Effect of Yams
Yams come with a cooling effect on a person’s body. It assists in lowering high blood pressure and also promotes an even blood flow across arteries and veins. It also lowers stress. That too, in hotter areas for its cooling effect. This may be due to the yam’s nervous system’s depressant action. And, this causes sedation and reduced locomotor action.
Elephant Foot Yam Side Effects
There is a contraindication of yam’s cooling effect in patients experiencing cold, asthma, sinus infections, or bronchitis. The conditions may deteriorate. The veggie is also prickly in nature. And, on eating yams, people may experience irritable feelings in their throat and mouth. Even pregnant females may consume yams during the pregnancy period, it provides no ill effect on the mother’s health.
Easy to include in a diet
Owing to the versatility of elephant foot yams, it is simple to include them in a diet. One may buy this veggie in whole, flour, powder, or a supplement form. People may boil, roast, bake, fry, steam, or pan-cook these tasty tubers. They can also enjoy elephant foot yams with or without the skin. Or, may use in both sweet or spicy dishes.
Yams are nourishing, versatile, and simple to make. This makes elephant foot yams a great component to cook with.
Cooking Tips and How to Include Jimikand in a Diet?
Elephant foot yam might be a little difficult to cut owing to its stony hard external lining. After that, rinse it well after peeling to take away dirt. People may also cut or slice as per wish consistent with the dish a person is planning to prepare. Elephant foot yam comprises irritating properties. So, the common way is to boil it first after cutting it using lemon, tamarind, and vinegar water. Next, a person may enjoy it in several ways.
- Curry: If a person may prepare yam curry in an appropriate manner, it is good to consume. To prepare curry, cut the veggies first into cubes. After that, boil them in vinegar water. After boiling this vegetable, prepare a curry using onions and tomatoes. Mix some spices and add the boiled yams to it.
- Chips: Yam chips are a common dish in India. Hence, people may try consuming chips once. After washing the veggies, cut them into thin slices. And, then fry them in hot oil. These chips make a good snack for children and elders.
Jimikands are nutritional veggies available in different shapes and sizes. They’re a significant source of antioxidants, fiber, manganese, potassium, copper, etc. Elephant Yam is beneficial for diabetic patients and also associated with several health benefits. Yams are versatile, simple to prepare, and a great veggie to add to both sweet and spicy dishes.
Can I consume yam’s skin?
Yes, its skins are absolutely edible.
How should I wash yams?
People scrub elephant yams properly using a brush. After that, it is pat dry. Peel yams as per wish, or leave the skins on.
What makes yam prickly?
The yam is very nutritious. However, it comprises calcium oxalate in fine crystals. And, this results in a prickly sensation in the fingers, throat, or tongue.
What is the nature of Jimikand, hot or cold?
Jimikand comprises a hot digestive effect. Because of its thermal effect, it reduces mucus and wind. Also, it enhances bile, as a result, helps in digestion.
Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal
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