Hscrp Test (C- Reactive Protein Hs CRP): Uses, Risk, Precautions.

Medically Reviewed By DR. VIJAY KUMAR 12 years of experience in Diabetology April 11, 2024

The hs-CRP test, also known as the high-sensitivity C-reactive protein test, is a powerful diagnostic tool that can provide valuable insights into your overall health. This simple blood test gauges the levels of C-reactive protein, a biomarker that indicates inflammation within the body. By understanding your hs-CRP levels, you and your doctor can gain important clues about your risk for various diseases, from heart conditions to chronic illnesses.

In this comprehensive blog, we’ll explore the ins and outs of the hs-CRP test—what it measures, what the normal range is, and when you should consider getting tested. We’ll also discuss the test’s cost and how the results can be used to optimize your health and well-being. Whether you’re proactively managing your cardiovascular health or investigating persistent symptoms, the hs-CRP test can be a crucial piece of the puzzle.

HsCRP Test is for what?

HsCRP, or high-sensitivity C-reactive protein test, specifically measures and analyses the pattern of low levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) and cardiac anomalies. Along with this, this test also measures the inflammation levels present in the body. This test is the top biochemical marker for the detection of heart-related disease risks. The main HsCRP and CRP difference is that the hs-CRP test is much more sensitive. The standard CRP test measures just the high levels of protein, detecting diseases that are inflating inflammation levels in the body. This CRP test measures CRP levels between 8 and 1000 mg/L. The HsCRP test analyses the lower protein levels, specifically detecting various heart disease risks. This test measures CRP levels between 0.3 and 10 mg/L. The HsCRP test considers even the slightest increase in the CRP levels even when it is in the normal range. Generally, this test is prescribed by doctors to individuals having a moderate risk of heart attacks for the upcoming 10 years.

According to studies published by the NIH(National Institute of Health), elevated levels of HsCRP have accurately predicted heart-related disorder risks like myocardial infarction, cardiac attack risk, heart strokes, peripheral vascular disease, strokes, etc. Often, this test is prescribed with a series of tests like lipid profile tests, other cardiac risk marker tests, lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 (Lp-PLA2) tests, etc. These tests present a complete analysis of heart ailment risks and help the doctor administer further treatment.

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HsCRP Normal Range

According to the Metropolis Healthcare website, less than 1 mg/L depicts no heart disease risk. HsCRP between 1 mg/L and 3 mg/L suggest moderate risk and complication and also underlying inflammation. HsCRP above 3 mg/L suggests excessive concentration and high heart health risk. This condition demands immediate attention and can elevate to chronic illness if left unattended.

HsCRP Range Risk
Less than 1 mg/L Low risk and inflammation, No health complications
Between 1 mg/L and 3 mg/L Moderate heart-related risk, inflammation and health complications
More than 3 mg/L Excessive concentration, CAD issues and high chronic heart disorder risk
More than 10 mg/L Chronic illness and requires immediate medical action required

Who is at High Sensitivity C Reactive Protein (HsCRP) High risk?

Who is at High Sensitivity C Reactive Protein (Hs CRP) High risk?

The AHA (American Heart Association) identifies three major factors:

  • Age: Individuals, both male and female, have high HsCRP risk as their age increases.
  • Gender: Males are at higher risk of high HsCRP as they have a higher risk of heart attacks than females.
  • Genes: Children whose parents have heart ailments are at higher risk. Also, people belonging to particular ethnicities like African Americans, Mexican Americans, Native Americans, Hawaiians, and some Asian Americans are at higher risk.
  • Other factors: Factors like smoking, high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity which increase the chances of high HsCRP.

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What does High CRP in HsCRP high sensitivity CRP test mean?

CRP is a compound found in blood that is directly related to inflammation, infection, and heart health. If any one or more of these conditions are present in the body, the CRP automatically increases. If your CRP levels are high, you have a higher-than-normal risk of heart-related disorders.

According to the American Heart Association(AHA), high HsCRP or CVD levels are the cause of more deaths in the U.S.A. than any other disease. There are many factors that are linked with high CVD development:

  • Family history
  • High cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Overweight or obesity
  • High blood pressure.

Research is underway to find out more factors that inflate CVD. These factors will help determine lifestyle modifications that could help reduce the risk of high hscrp or CVD levels.

When should you go for this test?

Presently, there is no determinant to decide when you should be going for the HSCRP test. According to subsequent discussions between health giants like AHA(American Heart Association) and CDC(Center for Disease Control), the Hscrp high sensitivity CRP test is not universally recommended for adults. This test is to be only done when a doctor prescribes it. HsCRP test is generally recommended for individuals who are at 10% to 20% risk of cardiovascular diseases in the next 10 years.

HsCRP test also helps in the treatment course of older adults and those with LDL cholesterol less than 130 mg/L. For precise Hscrp levels evaluation, AHA recommends repeating the test to confirm persistent inflammation. If, in the HsCrp test, the value is more than 10 mg/L, it is mandatory to repeat it twice. The gap should ideally be two weeks.

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HsCRP Test Procedure

The high sensitivity C reactive protein or HsCRP test has to be prescribed by the doctor. The test is conducted by experienced and registered health professionals. It requires your blood sample, which can be collected in the pathology lab as well as at home.

Can HsCRP blood test be conducted at home?

The HsCRP blood test can be done at home, but an experienced lab professional must come to your home to take the blood sample. You will have to check with the leading pathology labs in your city to see if they have a home sample collection facility available at your location. If not, you need to commute to the pathology laboratory to give your blood sample for the test.

HsCRP Test Cost

The HsCRP test cost in India ranges between Rs 450 and Rs 900. Home testing will cost you more. In metro cities, the price of the test will be higher than in other towns.

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Precautions to take before HsCRP test

Precautions to take before Hs CRP test

Here are the key precautions to take before, during, and after a high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (HsCRP) test:

Before the HsCRP Test:

  1. Inform your doctor about any medications you are taking, as some drugs can affect CRP levels.
  2. Avoid strenuous activities like workouts for at least 24 hours prior to the test, as physical activity can temporarily increase CRP levels.
  3. If possible, schedule the test in the morning, as CRP levels tend to be more stable earlier in the day. Moreover, if your doctor instructs you to fast for 8 to 10 hours before the HsCRP test, early morning will be the best time.
  4. Avoid consuming alcohol for at least 24 hours before the test, as alcohol can influence CRP levels.
  5. Provide your doctor with a list of any recent illnesses, infections, or injuries, as these can also affect CRP levels.

Note: Individuals with chronic inflammation and diseases like arthritis will have high CRP levels, and the test results will be irrelevant to them.

During the HsCRP Test:

  1. Follow the instructions as the laboratory staff tells you during the test.
  2. Remain calm and relaxed during the blood draw, as stress can potentially impact CRP levels.
  3. Inform the lab staff if you experience any discomfort or pain during the blood draw.

After the HsCRP Test:

  1. Resume your normal activities unless your healthcare provider instructs you otherwise.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids and avoid strenuous workout activities for the rest of the day. This will help your body recover from the blood draw.
  3. Monitor the puncture site for any signs of infection, such as reddish skin, swelling, or discomfort, and notify the lab if you have any concerns.
  4. Wait for the pathologist to provide you with the test results and discuss any necessary follow-up actions.

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Hscrp Blood Test Results

The HSCRP blood test results are available within 1 to 3 days, depending on the path lab you prefer for the test and where you live. High HsCRP levels indicate a high risk of heart-related ailments like stroke, heart attack, peripheral artery disorder, etc., even when your cholesterol is at acceptable levels. As discussed above, the normal range for HsCRP is below 1 mg/L. The doctor will prescribe further courses of medication and treatment based on the test results.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the normal range for hs-CRP?

HsCRP normal value is less than 1 mg/L. A normal Hscrp level indicates minimum or no risk of heart ailments and no presence of inflammation in the body.

How do I lower my hs-CRP?

There are multiple ways to lower HSCRP levels, which include medicines and lifestyle modifications. The medicines will be prescribed by the doctor, and lifestyle changes which you need to take include:

Doing workouts of light to moderate intensity.
Consuming foods rich in dietary fiber, lean protein and healthy fats.
Quitting smoking and alcohol.

What food is high in hs-CRP?

HsCrp depicts high levels of inflammation in the body. Therefore, consuming food that lessens inflammation is useful. These include:

Non-starchy veggies and green veggies
Green tea
Leafy veggies
Egg and fish
Dark chocolate, etc.

Can high hs-CRP be cured?

Yes, there are clinical studies that prove high HsCRP levels can be cured with medicines and positive lifestyle adaptations. The use of statins to reduce HsCRP is also true.

Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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