Diabetes Friendly Mixed Vegetable Soup Recipe

Ingredients: 3 cups mixed vegetables (tomatoes, carrot, peas, tendli, French beans) Salt to taste 1/2 tsp cumin powder 1/2 tsp black pepper powder For tempering: 1 tsp oil, Few curry leaves

Cooking Method: Cook mixed vegetables in a pressure cooker with 2 cups of water. Once steamed, blend the vegetables in a blender.

Strain the mixture using a coarse strainer. Add tempering of oil and curry leaves, along with salt, cumin powder, and black pepper powder. Serve hot.

Total Cook Time: 45 mins (Prep Time: 10 mins, Cook Time: 35 mins)

Nutrition: Provides a nutritious and delicious option for a wholesome meal.

Ideal for Diabetics: Crafted to suit diabetic meals, emphasizing healthy vegetable intake.

Expert Recommendation: Specially curated by Mrs. Seema Goel Chief Nutrition Officer Breathe Wellbeing

Versatile Snack: Ideal as a mid-meal snack, offering both taste and nutrition.