Diabetes Friendly Kancheepuram Idli Recipe

Dal Soaking:   Soak 1 cup yellow lentil (moong dal) and 1/4 cup black gram (urad dal) with 1/2 tsp fenugreek seeds for 6 hours.

Fenugreek Inclusion:  Ensure fenugreek seeds are soaked with the dals.

Grinding Process:  Grind soaked dals with fenugreek seeds, creating a batter with a consistency like rice idli batter.

Batter Seasoning:   Add salt to the batter and beat it well.

Fermentation:   Allow the batter to ferment in a warm place for about 6 hours.

Spice Blend:   Grind 1-2 green chillies, 1/2 tsp dry ginger powder, and 3/4 tsp cumin seeds.

Tempering and Final Mixing:   In 1 tbsp gingelly oil, temper with asafoetida, cashew nuts, and curry leaves. Add this, along with the ground spice blend, to the batter 15 minutes before making idlis.

Mix well and keep covered for 10-15 minutes. The batter is now ready to make idlis.