Postprandial Blood Sugar(PPBS) Levels, Test and Normal Range – Sugar Level After Meals

Last updated on October 30th, 2023What Are Postprandial Blood Sugar Levels? The blood sugar level is the amount of sugar or glucose in your bloodstream. These sugar levels change post meals whether you are a diabetic or a non-diabetic. The post-meal blood sugar levels (typically after 1 or 2 hours of eating) are your post prandial …

Metformin Oral: Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & Interactions

Last updated on January 8th, 2024Type 2 diabetes global prevalence rates are increasing and this is a great concern. When the body becomes insulin resistant, the blood glucose levels increases leading to type 2 diabetes. Efficient management of type 2 diabetes is necessary so that its serious consequences like heart disease, renal failure, foot and nerve …

Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) Uses and Preparation

Last updated on September 29th, 2023Monitoring your blood glucose level is an important part of healthcare. Your blood sugar level tells a lot about your health. There are numbers of blood glucose monitoring tests to measure your blood glucose levels. Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) or Glucose Tolerance Test is one of them. This test checks …

Role of Insulin and How Insulin Works to Maintain Blood Glucose Levels

Last updated on September 27th, 2022Hormones are the molecules produced in the body. They are responsible for sending messages to different parts of the body. They instruct certain cells and tissues of the body to act in a certain manner. Consequently, it supports various functions in the body. Insulin is one of the hormones produced in …

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