Category: Use a Glucometer for Blood Sugar Monitoring

What is the average reading of blood sugar levels on a glucometer monitor?

The readings between 100 mg/dL and 140 mg/dL are average on the glucose monitoring meter during the blood sugar testing at home. Any value of blood glucose beyond this limit is a sign of alarm for uneven blood sugar levels. Therefore, you need to report to your doctor immediately to prevent complications related to high or …

Why are the readings of the lab not the same as my monitor reading?

Most glucometers use whole blood to monitor blood glucose levels. Lab equipment uses the plasma of the blood to monitor blood glucose levels. Lab testing does not consider red blood cells for monitoring blood glucose. Thus, you get the different readings of blood glucose monitoring due to the different types of blood samples. Blood glucometers generally …

Is there a need to disinfect the glucose monitoring device after every use?

FDA provides some guidelines to the manufacturers to provide suitable products and procedures to clean and disinfect the glucometers. Note that 70% ethanol solutions are ineffective in killing viruses or blood-borne pathogens, whereas 10% bleach solution can damage the device. Therefore, you should use the cleaning solution available with glucometers. It is even better to the …

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