Category: Diet

Is Rajma Good for Diabetes Patients?

“Rajma chawal” isn’t just a recipe it’s a soul food for many people in India. However, if you have diabetes one question which might have hit you- is rajma, the beloved kidney bean curry, a friend or foe? As the battle against diabetes involves careful consideration of every meal, understanding the impact of staple foods like …

Is Corn Flour Good For Diabetes? Glycemic Index of Corn

Corn flour, a versatile ingredient derived from corn kernels, is gaining popularity for its nutritional benefits, especially among individuals managing diabetes. Unlike refined wheat flour, corn flour boasts a lower glycemic index, which means it doesn’t cause rapid spikes in blood sugar levels after consumption. Packed with essential nutrients like fiber, vitamins, and minerals, corn flour …

Khapli Wheat Benefits for Diabetes- Is Khapli Wheat Good for Diabetes?

Khapli wheat, an ancient grain with a rich history, is gaining recognition for its nutritional benefits and unique flavour profile. Unlike modern wheat varieties, Khapli wheat flour is known for its robust texture and nutty taste. Khapli wheat flour is packed with essential nutrients, including fibre, vitamins, and minerals, making it a wholesome choice for health-conscious …

Is Turmeric Good For Diabetes? Check Benefits & Side Effects

Diabetes, a metabolic disorder affecting millions globally, poses significant health challenges. Despite available medications and supplements, none offer a cure, merely managing symptoms. However, many opt for these synthetic options, often overlooking potential lifelong complications. Yet, a simple solution lies in dietary changes and lifestyle adjustments. Managing diabetes doesn’t have to be complicated. Adding something healthy …

Download Free EGL Chart (Glycemic Load) For Diabetes Patients

Last updated on February 22nd, 2024 This blog categorises detailed EGL charts according to different Indian foods. We have skillfully arranged the different EGI values of foods adjacent to them. The green values are healthy for diabetes patients. The foods marked yellow should be consumed in limited amounts by diabetes patients. Diabetes patients should avoid the …

Is Carrot and Beetroot Juice Good for Diabetes?

In the quest for optimal well-being, individuals with diabetes often explore various dietary avenues to complement their health regimen. Among the myriad choices, carrot and beetroot juice has gained essence attention in recent times for its potential benefits in helping manage blood sugar levels. In this exploration, we delve into the nutritional profiles of these vibrant …

Download Free Diabetes Diet Plan